Chapter 13: Faint suspicion

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"What are you doing up here by yourself?"
I whipped around, dagger raised halfway. Seeing that it was Len, I hide the dagger behind my back as quick as I could. Not that it would have made a difference, he already saw it.
I cleared my throat, "Just giving you time with your parents."
He strolled in and took my hand from behind my back. He glanced at the target hanging on the wall, punctured by all the daggers I had thrown.
"You know, the gym has moving targets. You can use that to practice."
I stared at him, "That's it?"
"What's it?"
"You're not... shocked or anything?" I don't believe that he wouldn't be at least a little taken back by the sight of me throwing daggers at a wall. I don't think normal bodyguards would do that.
He shrugged, "I've seen you do many things. I'm not exactly surprised by what you do that much."
Well, I'm surprised that he doesn't have much of a reaction.
He took the dagger that I was still holding and stuck it into the target's bull's-eye. Then he intertwined his fingers with mine, "Come on. I'll show you the moving targets."

Len led me to blank wall with brick patterns on it. As he searched he said, "Actually we weren't supposed to know about this room but when I was younger I saw my dad use it. So after he left I went to check it out for myself. He caught me in the act, so he just told Rin and I what this room is about."
He found the brick he was looking for and pushed it in. A secret door opened up for us. It was so stealthily hidden. Inside was unbelievable.
There was a full shooting range, with a few guns ranging from small to big displayed on one side of a wall. Opposite it were many targets attached to what looked like tracks. Len flipped a switch, and the targets started to move. He came over to where I was admiring the room and said, "You can come here whenever you like."
"Won't your dad find out?"
"I'll explain to him. I think he would prefer you here then in the room anyways."
I turned to wrap my arms around his waist, "You spoil me too much, you know that?"
Len pulled me close and planted a kiss on my forehead, "And you accept it."
I rested my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He may be acting cool but his heart was flying as fast as mine whenever I'm around him.

"Well, aren't you going to show me how you practice?"
I leaned back to search his face. Behind the casualness was a burning curiosity. Was it really alright to show him?
I guess it's okay. I'm going to have to tell him about my real job eventually, I might as well give him clues to start off.
I grabbed a pair of earmuffs and placed it on his head. Before I covered his ears, I looked him straight in the eye and said, "You're going to need this if you don't want to go deaf."
I took a pair for myself and fitted it to cover my ears. It was a good pair, great quality. Almost like the ones we own at base. Weird how all this belongs to Len's father...
I hoisted a handgun off the rack and searched for the bullets. There was a drawer right below the guns. I pulled it open and there it was. All the magazines for many different guns were all there. I loaded up the gun and aimed. Man, being in a shooting range does bring back memories.
Dad used to bring Mikuo and I to a shooting range to train us from young. I still remember what he would always tell us.
Make sure your strength is focused on your arm. You would have to be prepared for the recoil of the gun.
I pulled the trigger, allowing the bullet to fly. It hit the bull's-eye, straight in the middle. Good to know I'm not rusty on my shooting.
I looked over at Len who was watching me. There was a thoughtful look on his face, like he was speculating something.
I walked over and pulled the earmuffs off his head, then took off mine so we could have a proper conversation.
He leaned against the wall, "Guess I shouldn't be surprised by the fact that you know how to use a gun."
I smiled, "Nope. You shouldn't."
I went to keep the gun and the earmuffs, letting Len think to himself. Which also gave me time to think. This room belonged to Len's father, which would mean the guns did too. Where did he get the guns from? Last I remember guns weren't exactly legal in a normal citizen's hands.
Illegally then? And for what? What kind of business is he doing that would need so many guns?
He's a rich businessman, having rivals would be normal. Would he take his rivals out with guns? No, if he did the newspapers would be full of murder cases.
To protect his kids? If so, he wouldn't need a bodyguard, let alone three.
Involved in gang business? Would explain the number of guns.

Len's arms wrapped around my waist, making me jump a little and distracting me from my thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" He spoke right next to my ear, making me blush at the close distance. I took a few seconds to gather my thoughts, "Nothing much. Just wondering where your father got so many guns from."
He was quiet for a few seconds, in which I used to turn around and face him. "That's a good question. I've never thought about it."
"I'm not making you doubt your father here, but it's a little strange. Don't you think so?"
He frowned, "It is, actually. But I think we should observe first before confronting him."
"Well, yeah. I'm not going to let you find out on your own."
"Len! Miku! Where are you? Mom and Dad are bringing us out for dinner! Wherever you are you better come out fast, I'm hungry!" Rin's voice cut through our little conversation, her voice rang through the entire house actually.
Amused, I grabbed Len's hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Let's not keep Rin waiting, you know how she is when it's dinner time."
He laughed, "Let's go satisfy my little sister's stomach."

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