Chapter 18: a little normalcy

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Author's note: a little bit of a trigger warning in this chapter guys

We looked like pandas in the morning, the time that we were actually supposed to wake up for school. Teto helped me to tie my hair up, since reaching back to tie my hair might reopen my wound. The twins had explained to their parents what happened last night, Anka and Fudo had ended up not reporting to the police since Teto requested it. Her excuse was I wasn't well enough to deal with any questionings. I guess that is kind of true.
Anka and Fudo had already left for work, hurriedly saying goodbye to their kids before rushing out through the front door. Wonder what they work as to be in such a rush.
The twins were waiting for us at the door, Rin was hopping about impatiently like the hyper bunny she is. It's good to see that even after all the events we had going on for us during the past few days didn't affect her too much.
Today was Teto's first day at school, and I wonder how the day would play out. I still remember my first day, and I honestly hope it went differently for Teto. She didn't need any girls trying to get rid of her.

Speaking of that, you guys are probably wondering about Neru. I can tell you she's been on really good behaviour. Avoided us at all costs, which was good since if she ever tried any nonsense again I can still file a report for attempted murder. You're probably wondering why I didn't file that report in the first place and just let her get away with it. The reason was, there's not much evidence. Sure there were witnesses, but the weapon was nowhere to be found. I threw the scissors off the school rooftop, who knows where it is now. Maybe by chance it landed in a rubbish bin. I'm not keen on finding it, and besides so long as Neru doesn't cause any trouble I'm fine with not reporting her to the police. Besides, I have killed way more people than she ever has. That I know of, anyway.
Us assassins were naturally wary of the police. We take jobs that involves killing, and the police being the supposed force of good would obviously be against us. We leave as little evidence behind, so it would seem like an accident rather than intentional. Yeah, maybe the police knew we did it and instead are finding the people who paid us to do it, but we still don't trust them.
They can't do much about us, since sometimes they needed our help. Doesn't mean we have to like each other though.

Teto never faced any of the nonsense I had to face. Everyone welcomed her warmly, as if she was always here in this class. Teto had that charm. She was friendly with everyone (or, almost everyone. You guys know what happened last night). Even Neru almost wanted to approach her, until she saw Teto was already familiar with me that is.
Teto's popularity in the school increased immediately, everywhere we went we were showered with friendly hellos. The twins were all the while popular here, so I was used to people doing that. Guess I shouldn't be surprised about Teto gaining attention too.
The only problem is, I still didn't like the attention. Teto might be able to use it to her advantage, but I don't do that. I like to wait in the dark, if any danger happens it would be easier to react because the enemy wouldn't be expecting you to react. No one would expect you to do anything because you're not in the spotlight. I guess you could twist it as well if you're popular, but that isn't any of my business. 

Rin had spotted a poster on the school signboard when we were leaving after lessons were over. She was all excited about it right now. There was a competition going to happen in school, a singing competition. The rules were simple, best singer wins. Any song is fine, whether it was originally by another artist or your own. Although, if it was your own, there was higher chance of not winning. That didn't stop Rin though. "I'm going to use one of the songs I wrote and win this competition, just watch me!" she declared as she slid the registration letter into the box that was placed next to the signboard. 

"What's the song's title?" I asked, "And what's it about?"

"The song title is Lost One's Weeping. It's about depression." She said, while giving us a big smile. We glanced at each other, a little uneasy. Should I be concerned about the fact that the song was about depression or the fact that she said it with a smile on her face?

Len started to ask, "Rin-"

"Oh, I'm not depressed." She waved off his concern, "I just thought the topic reached out to the people who are. The topic of depression doesn't get enough attention, and I wanted to change that." 

That's really nice of her. For her sake, I hope she wins this competition and maybe one day, her message will spread across the world. 

We had lunch outside, again. There wasn't anything special about today, but it was nice that there wasn't any shooting or fighting going on. Even as assassin can get tired of ongoing fighting, you know.
After lunch, we went home. Had some homework we had to finish. Rin went to work on her song, while the rest of us hung out in the living room.
Anka and Fudo are probably going to come back late again, seeing that when dinner was served there were only four plates. Not that any of us minded, Len and Rin got used to it, Teto didn't bother much.

Before preparing to sleep, Len said, "Looks like your wish came true. There were no guns involved."
I smiled, "Today was a great day."
Why can't everyday be like this?

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