Chapter 24: a plan

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It's been a while since I was back at base. But we didn't stop to rest. We threw our baggage into our room then immediately headed to Mikuo's office to wait for him. We got looks when we were hurrying to the office. As we stride towards the office, the other assassins lurking in the hallways whispered and muttered. I heard, "That's the assassin that fell in love with her client." "That's kind of nasty, don't you think?" "Why do you think she's back? Did they fire her?"

Who told them? Also, is that the first guess they have to make?

I stopped in my tracks, and raised my voice so that everyone in the hallway could hear, "If y'all have time to gossip, then maybe I should tell my brother to increase your training schedules." They disappeared in a flash. Teto let out a whistle, "The advantages of being the number one assassin."

I turned to her, "Who told them?"

She raised her hands up in surrender, "I didn't say a word."

Probably Mikuo then, who knows who he told. I huffed and continued forward, Teto following behind meekly. Up ahead, three assassins were waiting. Two girls and one boy. Assassins: Sakura, Violin and Blue jay. My usual team with Teto. They were probably here to welcome me back to base. I wasn't in the mood for it and just walked past them. They were persistent though and followed behind, "Miku, what's with the bad mood?"

"Kaito, I'm really not in the mood right now." Kaito is Assassin: Blue jay, he's a nice guy but no romantic interest there.

"Is something up?" Luka asked with concern. Luka is Assassin: Sakura, because of her long pink hair. I think Mikuo was a little unimaginative when giving her an assassin name, but she doesn't seem to mind.

And of course, that left Assassin: Violin, her name is Meiko. She's really spunky, always loves action just like Teto, but knows limits (unlike Teto). She's really mature, actually. Right now she was just watching me, waiting for me to reply to Luka's question.

We reached Mikuo's office, and it was locked. He wasn't back yet, then. His office had a fingerprint lock that only Mikuo and I could use. I pressed my finger to the scanner, and glanced around while waiting impatiently for the lock. I gestured them in once the door snapped open, and shut it behind them. Luka asked again, "Is something wrong?"

I lowered my voice in case there was anyone listening outside, "My clients got kidnapped."

Kaito piped up, "You mean, the twins you were supposed to look after? The job that Teto joined you?"
I nodded, too tensed to reply with even a one word answer.
Teto filled them in with what we saw when we had reached the house, their expressions changed pretty quick, from curious to concern. Luka directed her next question at me, "How are their parents?"

"Last I knew was they were sent to a hospital. I'm hoping Mikuo knows where." I'm also hoping they survive.
Teto's head snapped up like she just realised something. She looked at me and said, "Level three."
I inhaled sharply. Mikuo doesn't know about level three, how is he going to provide the police with an answer?
Also, Teto and I don't even know what is on level three, if the police came to us, how were we going to answer?
Which meant the only ones who could answer the questions were the twins' parents. Now their survival is critical. Not that it wasn't before.

Just then, the door of the office clicked open and Mikuo stepped inside. He stared at all of us gathered in his office and said, "Wasn't aware we were having a meeting."
No one uttered a word. We just stared at him expectantly.
He sighed and muttered something about us having no sense of humor before giving us the news, "The twins' parents are in the hospital. Last I checked they seemed okay, though their mom's condition is worse than their dad's. Doctor said she might not be able to make it."

"Are we able to visit them?" I needed answers from them.
"As of now, no. I did tell the hospital to call at once when one of them wakes up."
I hope they wake up soon.
"Did you get any clues on where the twins are?" Mikuo asked me, making Kaito, Meiko and Luka alert.
I took out the glowing pink bracelet from my pocket, "Not yet. Need to run some scans."
Teto took the bracelet from my hand and said, "I'll do that and tell you the results afterwards. Luka can come with me. Tell us your plan when we come back."
Luka nodded and followed Teto out the door. Mikuo moved out of the way, and went to his table. He sank into his chair and faced us. "Well, while that's going on, I should fill you in."

"The police has inspected the house, and they tried questioning me. I couldn't answer, obviously, and so I told them I would get you."
I'm not in the mood for questioning. My expression told Mikuo everything, and he assured me, "We can go whenever you feel like it."
That was when an idea struck me. Whoever had the twins wouldn't be let off easily, I definitely want them to pay. But it doesn't have to end in bloodshed. If they went to jail, and had a life sentence, they wouldn't hurt anyone ever again. The only problem here was, we weren't the police, we can't arrest anyone.
The others in the room could tell I was thinking, and waited for me to start talking. I directed my question at Mikuo, "Have you proposed your idea to the police yet? Back when I called you?"
Back when things were simpler.
He shook his head, "Have been lazy to move."
Of course.
I cracked my knuckles, "Well it's time. I might as well get that questioning over and done with. Then you can propose your idea. For at least this one time anyway."
I hope the police agrees. Or people will die.
I guess this can be considered a plan.

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