Chapter 28: Making a move

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Teto was there before us, hiding in bushes behind the house waiting for Mikuo and I to arrive. Her bike was nowhere to be found, possibly further up the road. She checked the surroundings before gesturing us to hide with her in the bush. Once we got close enough, she whispered, "There are two guards. You wanna knock them out or just sneak in?"

Mikuo was already shaking his head when she mentioned knocking the guards out. "They might hold it against us if we make any move towards the guards. We're sneaking in."
As Mikuo prepared the rope and grappling hook, Teto nudged me, "How are the parents?"
I was silent for a while, but found no way to say it nicer so I just spit out the truth, "Anka's gone."
Teto stared at me in disbelief, and in all seriousness I stared back. She caved in a little, "Oh, the twins. Who's going to tell them?"
Mikuo interrupted us, "Worry about saving the twins first, will you? Come on, let's go."

After almost falling off twice due to thinking that we got caught (this was Teto's fault), we finally made it into the house. Without being caught. (Teto had stuck her tongue out at me when I glared at her.)
I took the key out of my pocket and stared at it for a few minutes. Was I ready to know what's behind that door?

Mikuo placed his hand gently on my head as a form of silent encouragement, "We don't have much time to stall." I took a deep breath and slotted the key into the keyhole. The door opened without a sound and we stared at the interior. Same hallway as the last time, no change there. We heard footsteps coming our direction and scurried inside, locking the door gently behind us. Leave no clue of us ever being here.  

Teto immediately went to open the first door, curiosity taking over her. Inside were monitors, which showed live footage of the cameras around the house. The same room we managed to explore the last time. Teto went on to open the other doors. There were safes, weapons of all kinds and paperwork. Is this normal for a businessman?
Among the paperwork lay a note. It was written neatly but harshly, like the writer was trying to compose his anger.
"You will pay for what you stole."
Would that mean..the guns Fudo owns, were stolen?
I checked the other papers and finally figured out what Fudo actually does for work.
He is a businessman, just not the 'sit-in-the-office' kind.

He illegally sells guns to gangs in the country.

And from the note, it seems like he stole from those said gangs too.

Christ, why? What did I do to deserve this? What did the twins do to deserve this?

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