Chapter 22: Distraction

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We were at the given address in no time. Teto drives like a maniac, and I usually wouldn't ride with her in fear of falling off the bike but this is the first time I don't mind. I just wanted to get to Mikuo as fast as possible.
The place was a rundown abandoned old shack, vandalized so long ago the paint had already faded. In fact, the street itself was really quiet. Does anyone even live in this area?
Teto parked the bike in the alleyway behind the building so as to not gain any attention. The abandoned old building had a small window at the side, just small enough to peek into the building but not crawl in. We stacked up old boxes that we found around the area for me to look inside. While I did that, Teto squatted beside me and loaded up two guns. No playing around for this kind of thing.

The interior of the building was really small, to be honest. It was just one square level, who knows what is able to fit inside here. It was mostly empty, other than the camping equipment thrown around. There was no furniture, except for one chair. The chair my brother was tied to. The thugs were standing around, very sloppy-looking. One of them, I assume is the boss, directed two of his lackeys outside, pointing at the door. Looks like we're starting this off sniper style.

Teto handed me a gun before stalking towards the corner of the building, I followed right behind. She had the honors of shooting first this time. Two shots, and the front door was clear. We always had silencers on our guns, so no surprise that the people inside didn't hear anything. Time to storm the place.
Teto kicked open the door and fired at everyone but my brother. I didn't even need to lift a finger. It could be considered a full-on massacre. Blood sprayed onto the floor, creating many red flowers of different sizes and shapes. These people didn't see us coming. Remind me to never make Teto angry or I might end up like the men on the floor. Dead.
I hurried over to Mikuo once Teto was done and used a dagger to slash through his restraints. He rolled his wrists, which I would imagine were a little stiff after being in the same position for a while. He glared at me, "I told you not to come, didn't I?"

"Dude, we just saved your life."

"Which I am grateful for, but there's something else going on. Something bigger." Teto was searching the fallen bodies for anything good, the minute Mikuo started talking, her attention was on him fully. So when Mikuo said there was something going on, she immediately came over, bouncing on her toes. She was a sucker for chaos. I can tell you she was enjoying herself when she shot those thugs.

"Before you two came, I overheard these men talking. They work under someone else with bigger authority, apparently they were threatened to do this, else they wouldn't be here."

"Wouldn't be dead on the floor either." Teto glared at the bodies on the floor, not caring about the fact that they were forced to kidnap my brother. Mikuo continued, "I wasn't the main target. I was just a distraction."

"A distraction?"

"A distraction so that the two of you would leave the main targets alone."

This doesn't sound good...

Mikuo took a breath, not willing to tell us what he learnt but knew we were going to ask anyway, "The main targets are the twins you were assigned to take care of."

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry this chapter is short compared to the previous one. I don't know where my motivation went. Also I just wanted to thank you for reading and voting ( and sometimes even commenting), it means a lot to me to know that you guys are enjoying reading this book as much as I do writing it. So yes, thank you!!!💓💓

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