Chapter 11: Thief

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He drummed his fingers on the round table, sipping his wine every so often. Where was the goods he had ordered? They were valuable, the newest of the new and they weren't here yet.
A knock on the door grabbed his attention. "Boss, your delivery is here." "Bring it in."
The multiple silver cases were loaded into the room, and laid out on the floor beside each other. He gestured to his underlings to open the silver cases. He stepped closer to admire the danger inside. They weren't his, but he wanted at least one to keep. He came to the last silver case. It was small, which was surprising considering who the client is. He leaned down to run a hand over its cold metallic body. So many time he had done this before, never did he get caught. Surely, this time as well...
His right-hand man was uneasy, "Boss, you know what they said."
He pocketed the pistol, "It's fine. It's just one."
The right-hand man knew his warnings wouldn't go across, so he didn't say anything. He worried though, because this client had seemed a little different from the ones before. A little more... dangerous.
The weapon smuggler waved his hand at his underlings, "Send the rest once the money comes in."
He left them to pack and exited the building.

His wife was waiting in the car. When he got in and started the engine, she said, "The orders came in?"
"They did." He was satisfied with the load.
"And you took one again, didn't you?"
He shrugged, "When doing this sort of business, you need to make sure you're protected."
"I think you should stop this business."
He looked over in disbelief, "What? Why? We're making tons of money from this."
"You are. I have a stable job."
"The company didn't want me. Therefore, this."
"Then go find another job!"
He sighed, "What exactly made this topic come up again?"
"The kids! They could get in danger because of all this."
He waved off his wife's panic, "That won't happen. Stop worrying."
The car became silent for a few minutes. Then she said, "I hired another bodyguard for them. A personal one that would follow them wherever they go."
"Seems good."
He would meet this bodyguard later and see if this bodyguard is capable of protecting his kids. If he or she isn't, then they can leave. Only the best for his kids. Only the very best. 
He will never let anything happen to his kids. Never.

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