Chapter 6: Annoying fly

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School was over pretty quick, although I had to deal with some nonsense. A fly that's been flitting around the classroom is one nonsense. I killed it with a pen when the teacher had his back to the class. The pen had flown halfway across the classroom, I don't think anyone knew it was me. The pen flew too fast for anyone to see. The teacher did turn back when the pen landed on the floor though, to check on the class. I pretended that I was paying attention to whatever the teacher was writing on the board. The pen was left there until the end of the class.
That's when I had to deal with another nonsense. When I went to pick up my pen after class, Neru came up to me and asked, "Can I speak to you?"
I stared at her for a minute, then said, "Okay." I grabbed my bag and told Rin and Len who didn't hear what Neru asked, "I'll be right back." I could feel them staring as I followed Neru out the door. We went into the hallway where everyone was putting their books away, the most public place in the school. I guess this was a perfect place to make a scene. Man, she wasn't soft about it.
"You're a new kid, aren't you? You have to learn where you stand. We will gladly help you."
At her words, the surrounding people reacted immediately. Some came to stand beside her, while others just ran off, not wanting to get caught up in the crossfire. I tensed, preparing myself.
What would I do in this situation, you ask? Run.
Don't get me wrong, I can beat them all by myself. I had taken out a whole gang before, this ragtag group of school bullies was nothing. But the difference between then and now, was that I have a pair of twins to protect. They were waiting for me in the classroom. I may not like the term of bodyguard, but I take my jobs seriously. I need to shake these people off before I could go back to them.
Everyone but Neru charged as one. I turned and sprinted out to the back of the school, looking back once in a while to make sure they were following. The back of the school was the one place the teachers would never go, for who knows what reason. From the whispers that I hear, most school fights happen at the back of the school.
I turned to face the oncoming onslaught of teenagers coming towards me. They slowed down as they neared, thinking they had me backed into a corner. I saw no weapons in their hands, but I couldn't be sure if they were hiding any. I'm not the only one that can hide weapons in clothes.
Two charged at me simultaneously. I stepped back at the last second and grabbed both of their heads to smash into each other. They stumbled backwards, clutching their heads. One of them was bleeding. The rest were wary, hovering on the edge trying to decide whether it's worth it. Neru came running around the corner, and noticed them hesitating, "What are you dumbasses waiting for? Teach her where she stands in this school!"
One brave guy tried to stand up to me. He tried to grab my shoulders, but that earned him a punch to the face.
"What are you doing?" An alarmed voice rang out from behind Neru.
I looked over and saw the twins staring at everything that's going on. I felt a spark of alarm, had they followed me here? I told them to wait. Did they see Neru start this? I had specifically ran away from them to prevent them from being involved.
Neru, on the other hand, seemed calm but I could tell she was actually nervous, "Oh nothing much, just teaching Miku here where she belongs."
Len pushed past her, "What for? She didn't do anything to you."
The guy closest to him tensed, I recognised that stance. He was going to punch Len in the guts. I shoved through the blocking crowd and kicked his fist away. The guy landed on the floor, disoriented. I glared down at him, and put on my most menacing voice, "Don't. Touch. Him." I probably dislocated his wrist, because he was cradling it against his chest.
I grabbed Len's wrist and guided him and Rin away from everything, "Come on. Let's get you home."
As I passed by Neru, I whispered so softly only she could hear, "If I were you, I wouldn't want me as an enemy."
She froze at that, but as soon as we were reaching the corner she turned around to face our retreating backs completely. I could see the anger and the want for revenge glowing in her eyes. Ugh, she's even more annoying than that fly. At least that fly was easier to kill.

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