Chapter 26: police station

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I slammed open Mikuo's office door preparing to yell for my brother, when I saw he was already awake, with Luka standing beside his table pointing at his laptop. They both stared at me, startled by the door.

I stepped in and closed the door behind me, "I thought I was going to have to wake you up."

Mikuo rolled his eyes, "I usually wake up earlier than you." All I did was glare at him in response.

"Where are the twins?" I demanded as I sat in one of the chairs in front of his table.

He turned his laptop around to face me, and gestured to Luka to continue with whatever she was telling him before I interrupted. Luka cleared her throat, and pointed to the laptop screen, "They're pretty far from here, a few hours drive actually. I'm not sure if we're going to be able to get them back by today."

"What? Why?"

Mikuo ticked off the things we had to do today using his fingers, "We need to go to the police station for your questioning, and convince the police to help us. Although we actually don't need the police's help, but since you insisted, I'm fine. Then we have to go to the hospital to check up on the twins' parents, you haven't forgotten about them, have you?"

I totally forgot about them.

Mikuo looked me straight in the eye, and said, "The twins' father might be able to give us some information as to why the twins were kidnapped. I got the news last night that their father is conscious, their mother not yet. We're gonna pay them a little visit."

I thought about everything that has happened, and asked, "Something's a little off, don't you think?"

Luka tilted her head in confusion, "What is?"

"There isn't a call asking for ransom."

Mikuo replied, "If there is a call, it wouldn't come to us. Their parents would receive it instead, all the more we need to pay them a visit."

He stood up and stretched, "Either way, we need to go to the police station. Luka, you're in charge of the place until I get back."

He then looked at me, "You ready?"

No, but I nodded in reply. I want to get this over and done with.

"Let's go."

We got to the police station pretty fast, and we sauntered in like we owned the place. Or, Mikuo did. I didn't bother. His excuse would be, "First impression says a lot." And he sticks to that excuse like glue.

He was right, though. First impressions do say a lot. Which is why I had my assassin's mask on. They didn't need to see my face. Mikuo had to though, he being the boss and all. He also had to convince the police that he wasn't aggressive right now, therefore he didn't put his mask on.

The officers around were looking at us warily, their hands near their waists where their guns were. I would be suspicious too if I were them. Couldn't blame them much.

Mikuo walked up to the clerk at the counter and asserted, "Is your chief in, sweetheart? We gotta see him."
The clerk glared at him while typing on her keyboard, not fazed by his words, "He's not in."
Mikuo leaned against the counter nonchalantly, "Well, we'll wait for him then. Got all the time in the world anyways."
That itself is a lie, but we can't show weakness in front of the police.

It worked though, the clerk sighed, "He's in his office, I'll escort you there." She typed the last few words into her computer, before sighing and getting up from her seat. "This way." She gestured us to follow her. Mikuo nudged me, and whispered, "This is how you get people to work for you." I shrugged, "Or you could point a gun at them and demand." He laughed in response. The clerk turned to give us a sour look.

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