Chapter 3: Getting settled in

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That left Rin, Len and I just awkwardly sitting there in the living room. Rin broke the silence by grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch, "Come on, let's do a house tour!" She dragged me all over the first level. commenting on different rooms as we passed, "This is the gym room, this is the kitchen, and outside there is the pool." This house has a gym room and a pool, exactly how big is this place? Len followed behind us, not saying anything. When we passed by the kitchen, he did grab a banana though. Right now he was just munching on it as we went up the stairs. Nice to know he has a love of bananas.

We got to the second level, Rin pointed to the different doors, "That's my room. Next to it is Len's. And in front of ours is yours! Come on, let's go see!" She sounded so enthsiastic, I couldn't help but feel a little excited as we neared the white door. Rin let me do the honours of opening the door, and inside stunned me still.

The room was big for a guest room. It was a creamy shade of white, with a big window off to the left. The window had a comfy little window seat, where you could sit down and read a book to pass time. The bed was off to the right, next to the closet. Everything was huge in here and spacious as well. I spotted my luggage next to the bed and noted to myself to unpack later on. I might add a few things in here, like a punching bag maybe.

"Do you like it?" Rin asked, jumping up and down a little.

"It's nice. Do you mind if I add a few things?"

"No, go ahead. It's technically your room now," Len said from behind me.

We continued with the house tour, Rin pointed to the room at the end of the hallway, "That's our parents' room. Theirs is even bigger than any of ours."

What this house has is space.

Rin pulled me towards her room, and I asked, "What about the third level?"

"Oh, Mom and Dad said we're not allowed up there. We've never been there since young."

"Ever tried sneaking up?"

Rin looked horrifed at my suggestion, "If we do that we can't go out. Besides, what's there to hide? Mom and Dad go up there often when they're working from home, it's probably just things related to their work up there."

And they don't find that work suspicious? How innocent were they?

Before I could say anything, Rin pushed me into her room. Len told her, "Don't need to be so rough, you know."

"I'm just so excited to have a new friend!"

They both looked at me kneeling on the floor, and I replied, "Uh... yeah see I don't think-"

"Let's get to know each other, shall we?" Rin pushed Len to sit on my right, and she took the left. My message doesn't seem to be going through.

"I like oranges, a lot. This boy likes bananas. Len says I'm really hyper but really, there are so many things to be excited about! Don't you think?" Rin looked at me for confirmation.


"You are hyper, life goes on as per normal every single day and you're always hopping about like a frog. You need to calm down sometimes, you know?" Len told her.

Rin gave him a glare, and continued, "We both play the guitar, and we love music. Actually we did a few songs, maybe you can check it out."

"Um, okay."

"Now your turn. Tell us about yourself."

I thought about the things I could say, "I like music too. I prefer to sing than play an instrument. Mmm... I like leeks. Anything leek-flavoured too. And uh... I work out pretty often, I guess."

Now isn't the time to tell them about my actual job.

"That is so cool! Hmm.. leeks huh? Maybe we should try it one day?" Rin suggested to Len. He shrugged, seemingly okay with anything Rin suggests.

"Oh that reminds me! Are you coming to school with us, Miku?"

"School?" Did Mikuo mentioned this in his text?

"Yeah, tomorrow. And days after as well."

I took my phone out of my pocket and checked. Yeah, Mikuo said he enrolled me in the same school as them, though it would be kind of useless and more things for me to worry about.

"I am, apparently. I'm enrolling in your school as a new student."

We actually do study as well back at base. We study everything taught in normal schools and extra things like shooting, for example.

We talked a little bit more, Rin showed me their songs ( which were amazing, may I add), and after all that I stood up. "I should go unpack my things, they're still in my luggage."

Len looked up, "Do you need help?"

"Oh uh, it's okay, I can handle it. You guys should probably prepare for dinner, it's almost six." We spent the whole day in Rin's room, I managed to stay in one place for more than 2 hours, that's a new accomplishment.

Rin jumped up, "Nope, we're helping you. You can't do everything on your own."

"Uh..." I would love the help, but there are things I have to do in private.

"Rin if she wants to do it on her own, then let her. Besides it's her things, if she needs help she can always call us." Len pulled his sister away from the door. I gave him a grateful look and hurried to my room before Rin starts to complain.

There was a reason why I didn't want their help, I had to hide the weapons I had brought along with me. I made sure the room door was locked before going over to the huge closet. The closet was mostly empty, there were hangers on the racks but that was about it. I knocked around and found a place that was hollow. I took the toolbox that I brought with me and got to work. 

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