Chapter 1: a new mission

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I waited outside the boss's office, tapping my foot impatiently. It's been half an hour, and he still hasn't called me in. I get that he would be busy, being the boss of a whole league of assassins and all, but I get the feeling he's doing this on purpose. He loves to get on my nerves, apparently being an older brother he had to 'assert dominance'.

Where are my manners? My name is Hatsune Miku, also known as Assassin: Songbird. As the codename suggests, I am an assassin. Killing is my job, and what I was born to do. Literally. I was born into a family which was the head of this league. Our father passed the job of boss on to my brother Mikuo, then disappeared to who knows where with our mother. Haven't seen him since I was 7 and Mikuo was 12. I honestly couldn't care much about my parents' whereabouts, they were having fun with the money they saved up, so good for them. They call once every year, to wish us a happy birthday, then disappear again. They're pretty much ghosts.

The reason why I was waiting for my brother to open up was because he called and said I had a new job. He had to interrupt my training sessions with the others just for this, so I'm thinking it's important. Apparently not important enough to open the door quick. I rapped on the door again, shouting at it, "If you're not going to let me in this minute, I'm going back to training."

Footsteps were heard making their way quickly to the door, "Jeez little sis, you could wait a little longer for me to sort everything out." Mikuo unlocked the door for me and welcomed me inside.

"I don't like waiting."

"I know."

We were silent for a while, then I piped up, "So, what's this new important mission about? Killing a certain rich person again?"

The last time I did that, it took a whole month to accomplish that. The police still don't know who asked us to do it. To get to us isn't simple, there were many steps needed to be able to get the number of our league. Usually the people who ask are the rich getting rid of competition, sometimes they get caught, sometimes they don't. The police know they can't mess with us, so they don't come here. We never get caught for what we do.

"This mission might be new for you. You're going to be a bodyguard!" Mikuo announced in a fake enthusiastic voice.

What? I shook my head, "I don't get it."

He sighed and explained slowly, "You are going to protect a pair of twins from a rich family. Their parents found us and want to hire us, they wanted the best and the best is you. You're going to have to accompany them as much as possible. I'll send you their information."

Protect a pair of twins? "That's not a job for an assassin! That's a job for a bodyguard. They shouldn't be hiring us."

"They have money."

They're rich, of course they have money. "How much are they willing to pay?" I asked suspiciously.


Ain't too bad. I guess I could give it a shot.

"Fine. I'm in."

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