Epilogue: Out with the old, In with the new

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Years passed, we're all grown up. No longer the teenagers of before. Rin and Len lost contact with their father, not wanting to see him again. They wanted to leave their old life behind and embrace their new lives. The agency was going well, everything was great. Len and I were, well, we have more time with each other. He was mine, I was his. The ring on my finger said so. Nothing could be better. Plus Rin and Len joined the agency, so that's exciting. 

And suddenly, out of nowhere, I had the urge to clean out my things.

Len helped out, and we spent the whole afternoon clearing out the things that I need and don't need because when it came to things like this, the boxes of things would probably still be full by the end of the day. 

While cleaning, I came across an old photobook. Upon opening it, I realized it held all the photos my parents had taken ever since Mikuo and I were still kids. It was mostly us, but some had my parents in them. I took out the pictures that included my parents, and got up from where I was sitting on the floor. I held those pictures above the flame of the scented candle that was burning on my table, and watched in silence as the pictures went up in flames. 

Len was watching me through that whole process, and when I turned back to him, he asked, "No regrets?"

I shook my head, "None. I don't need pictures to remember what he did." 

A knock on the door interrupted our little moment. Rin popped her head through the opening, "You two ready? We got a new client, and he wants his target gone asap."

Len got up from the floor and dusted his hands on his pants, before offering me one of his hands, "Shall we?" 

I gave him a small smile, and took his hand, "Yeah."




We were children playing in the sun with our father, while our mother watched from the shade of the trees. Father made sure we didn't fall, looked out for us as we played. Mother was preparing the snacks under the trees, I could see her taking fruits out from the basket. 

Mother called for us when she thought it was time for a break. Father scooped us up in his arms, I thought I could see everything up there. It had felt like the safest place in the world. 

While we ate, two birds with beautiful yellow feathers landed next to us. They seemed hungry, so I gave them some of the apple seeds Father had dug out. When they were done, they flew into the thick foliage above us, singing lovely tunes as thanks. I hummed their tune with wonder. 

Father was looking at me with pride. 

"My little Songbird. I hope you'll always be happy." 

Author's note; Hey, thanks so much for reading all the way. I actually checked and it has been a year since I started writing this. Sadly, all stories have to end, and so does this one. I just want to thank you all for the support, and I hope you liked this story. I would probably write other stories from different fandoms just because I'm in different fandoms. But as of now, a small break. Go ahead and comment any ideas or AUs you want to see and I might consider writing them. Anyways, signing off~

My Instagram @/nyaa.wr, Twitter @/night_nyaa (if anyone wants aha) 

yeah okay have a nice day bye i'm off

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