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Sharif of Atlanta Georgia.

          Micheal sat silently besides the folded lawn chair besides Shane Walsh,  watching intently as a bumble bee gently landed on a delicate flower only a few feet away

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Micheal sat silently besides the folded lawn chair besides Shane Walsh, watching intently as a bumble bee gently landed on a delicate flower only a few feet away. He reached out to touch the flowers peddle, a shadow of a smile on his lips, but he quickly pushed it down and hid it with a frown as the bee lifted off and flew away to the next flower.

"Baby, The more you fidget, the longer it takes", Lori Grimes said to her son; tightening her grip on a strand of his hair: "So don't".

"I'm trying", Carl groaned, taking his eyes off the younger boy.

Before world ended, Micheal spent most of his time at the library down the street with Sophia or Kenny. Now, it was spent in the shadows of the Dixon brothers or Shane Walsh. Oh how he missed the smell of the library; the butterscotch sweats the librarian would suck on behind her desk, the old books and the dusty wooden chair. As much as it used to annoy him, he missed his siblings complaining as he sat and read whatever book had caught his attention that day. He missed spending time with them.

"Hey, dingus", Sophia greeted as she sat on the log besides her brother. "Mamas been lookin' all over for you".

Micheal didn't respond, just simply shrugged.

Shane's foldable chair created as he reached down to ruffle Micheal's hair. "Whatcha doin' kiddo?".

Micheal shrugged, "nothin', sir". Shane was a respectable man. He was tall, strong, and he was a leader. He was exactly the type of person Micheal wanted to be when he grows up, if he grows up, the type of man Carl would become when he gets older-- that is, if he gets older.

When Micheal imagined his life, he never pictured his future, he never wanted too. If you asked any other kid, they'd be able to give you some sort of indication. Normally kids had traits, characteristics, hobby's; they had stuff they're good at, something they'd carry into adulthood. Micheal, however, didn't have traits good enough to survive alone in the real world. "the real world". It was thoughts like those that made Micheal question if he himself was even real or not.

At young ages the other Pelletier kids knew what they wanted to be: Richard and Sophia wanted to go into the military like their father, Kenneth wanted to be a gynecologist, Micheal, however, didn't know what he wanted, he didn't have a clue.

"Carl, sweetie--".

"I'm trying", Carl groaned. He stiffened his body and stared hard at his girlfriend, who was plucking at the white lilies with her younger brother just a few feet away. "Picking flowers, Mic?".

Micheal ignored the older boys taunting question. He rose the flower to eye level and twirled it between his fingers before tucking it behind his big sisters ear. She smiled at him, and he sent a half grin back. Before, Micheal and Sophia spent practically every second of the day with each other, they were inseparable. That was, until, Carl Grimes came into the picture.

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