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live alone, die alone

Micheal's POV
The neighborhood.

              "She's here?", Carl whispered.

Micheal didn't take his eyes off the neighborhood across the field, his jaw clenched. "Yup, this is where she's been hiding".

"But why?".

Micheal propped the bike they rode over along the metal road divider and hopped over to the other side. He didn't look back at Carl as he made his way through the field, knowing his friend was gonna follow close behind. "Because she's a brat", he answered bluntly. "A brat who only cares about herself".

He could feel Carl's eyes on him.

Sophia was scared, that's why she was doing this, and Micheal knew that. She was scared to lose anyone else, she probably wouldn't be able to handle it; Micheal knew he couldn't. He ignored the reality of the world they lived in, he chose to believe that him and his siblings would make it in this survival of the fittest world. Although, the reality of that was something Micheal refused to think about.

Micheal was going to die; Sophia, Kenny, Richard, they all were. But Micheal would rather be together until the end than any of them die all alone. He knew what he said to Sophia the last time he saw her, but he didn't mean it, not in the slightest.

"I don't think I'd be able to survive all alone", Carl mumbled behind him. "Do you?".

Micheal chuckled, "I wouldn't last five minutes".

"Nah, you're smart". Carl argued, "I think if anyone could do it, it would be you".

"Well", he looked at the blue eyed boy over his shoulder. "As long as I'm alive, you will be too".

"Think we'll make it til the end?".

"You and me?".

"Yeah". Carl smiled wide, "like, when all this is over and the government makes a cure or something. This can't last forever".

Micheal shrugged, "you never know, this can be the new world, the real world".

"You really think so?".

He did. Micheal doesn't think there's anyone left to discover a cure, or that there was any type of medicine to revert what had been done. Even if there were, humanity would never be the same. "Maybe someday we'll get close to, like, life before but... I think walkers will always be around".

"You remember life before?".

"Yeah, you don't?", Micheal looked back over his shoulder as they walked; watching as Carl held out his hand feel the blades of grass.

"I do, it just feels so far away". He answered, "kind of like a dream, y'know?".

He nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. "Imagine going back to school".

Carl laughed, "or church?".

Micheal smiled, "thank god we don't have to deal with that shit anymore".

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