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Fort Benning'.

          "Okay, pick a lane, Ken"

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          "Okay, pick a lane, Ken".

"Oh sorry, I forgot about oncoming traffic-- wouldn't wanna get hit by another car".

"You could pull over and I could drive".


Micheal and Sophia watched from the backseat as their two older brothers shot snarky remarks back and forth between them. Occasionally, they'd cut in and make their own criticizing comments about Kenny's bad driving. Every once in awhile, Kenny would slip up and jolt back into their lane after unknowingly drifting-- or slam on the breaks after cutting it too close to the RV in front of them.

Micheal threw his head back for the fourth time on the past hour, rubbing his temples as he groaned, earning a glare from the inexperienced driver.

He could only imagine how frustrating this must be to watch from Rick and Lori's car behind them. He twisted to look out the back window and watched as the couple talked. In the back seat, he caught a glimpse of Carl's annoyed expression. He smirked and turned to look back at Sophia, who stared out the window with a blank expression.

Micheal pursed his lips, staring up at his older sister. Sophia hasn't talked much since the CDC, since their mother's death. Nobody has really talked about it, the boys just pretend like nothing happened and the group was too preoccupied trying to get to Fort Bennington. The group treated them different now, instead of Kenny and Richard being treated as equals, they were treated like children that needed to be protected. They were orphans.

Micheal felt a coppery taste in his mouth, a sinking feeling in his stomach, they were orphans now. No mom, no dad, no guidance.

All they had was Richard.

His relationship with his siblings was different now too, it was like they watched on eggshells around each other. When they're together, they don't talk as much as they used too, it was like they avoided each other.

"When are we stopping again?", Micheal asked. Nobody responded to him, earning an eye roll in return. "Hello?!".

"I'm driving!", Kenny snapped.

"And I have to pee!", Micheal snapped back, "when are we stopping next?".

"Whenever the group decides to", Richard

The car fell silent again, Micheal couldn't take it, he could no longer take the silence between all of them. He looked at Sophia and quickly reached out to pinch her arm.

"Ow, fucker!", the older girl turned and slammed a punch down on his arm. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Richard!".

"Could you two just shut up!?", Kenny yelled.

"Yeah, Micheal", she sighed and looked back out the window, Micheal frowned.

Richard sighed, noticing his little brothers sad expression in the rear view mirror, "If we don't stop in the next ten minutes I'll beep the horn and we'll pull over".

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