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Ticking Time Bomb.

               "This place is like a maze"

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"This place is like a maze".

Despite Sophia's comment being mostly to herself, he couldn't help but nod in agreement. With each winding corridor they walked through, every turn they took, Micheal began to feel more and more anxious.

It just felt like a constant reminder they were underground; walking through tunnels.

Micheal wiped his shaky hands on his shirt, ridding them of sweat, "I should've taken my pills today".

Sophia looked at him, "where are they?".

"In moms bag, but she won't even talk to me".

Sophia sighed and rubbed his back, "she won't talk to me either, I think she's just sad".

The group, lead by the mysterious doctor, eventually found themselves in what appeared to be the control room. As the doctor continued forward, weaving and menuvorvng around desks and chairs; the members followed. They watched as Dr. Jenner stopped at the control panel and began typing something into the computer.  "Give me a playback of TS-19." 

Micheal stood anxiously between his sister and her boyfriend, his hands held themselves in front of him. The dim room lit itself as the projector turned on.

"Few people ever got a chance to see this."  A brightly colored x-ray of a brain appeared on screen as well as some indistinguishable text.  "Very... very few." 

"Is that a brain!?", Carl gawked, leaning against the desk behind them. Micheal turned to glare at him for the sudden shouting, but slowly looked away after he muttered an apology.

"An extraordinary one." Jenner smiled thoughtfully, never taking his eyes away from the screen as it continued to animate. Micheal looked at the doctor just in time to watch his expression change, "Not that it matters in the end. Take us in for E.I.V." 

"Enhanced Internal View". The robotic voice repeated through the speakers, the camera began to zoom into the brain, bringing more detail than before. Bright Lights, beginning to flash through what seemed to be tubes all throughout the brain.

A million little lights began to twinkle across the brain, reminded Micheal of little stars dancing around the night sky. It was beautiful; it made Micheal wonder if that's what was happening inside of his brain right now; if this thought looked like a star dancing in his brain. He grinned.

"What are those lights?", Shane asked as he sat in a chair chair, his hands clasped together between his knees as he leaned forward, never taking his eyes off the screen.

Jenner turned and smiled, clearly excited to answer the question. "It's a persons life, experiences, memories. It's everything". If Micheal didn't know any better, he would've thought based on the glint in doctor Jenner's eyes, this would be his first time seeing it. "Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light: Is you. The thing that makes you unique, and human".

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