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walkers in the barn.

               Micheal and Carl sat besides each other on a log by the campfire; inadvertently pushing their food around on their plates while everyone talked around them

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Micheal and Carl sat besides each other on a log by the campfire; inadvertently pushing their food around on their plates while everyone talked around them. All Micheal could think about was the barn and the monstrosities inside of it.

The boys haven't slept all night.

Micheal saw Carl looking at him from the corner of his eye, and it took everything in him not to make eye contact; because he knew as soon as he did, he'd spill. He'd slip up, he was too exhausted to think properly. Micheal finally looked down at his food and stabbed his fork into one of his eggs.

He took a bite. it was cold. He wanted to gag.

Carl looked away.

"You boys stay up all night?". Micheal and Carl both look up from their plates, their droopy eyes meeting Rick and Lori's. Everyone was looking at them now.

"Yeah, Mike found a bunch of comic books yesterday", Carl muttered in the most up-beat tone he could. He shot another glance at Micheal, almost expecting him to say something, but he didn't. He turned back to Rick and forced a smile, "a bunch".

"He did?", Shane asked in an accusing tone.

Micheal was suddenly hot, his eyes lifted to meet Shane's and he nodded, "yeah, I did". Carl grinned. Micheal looked back down, continuing to push around his eggs with his fork, "a bunch".

"So, you guys just stayed up reading?", Kenny asked in a taunting tone. The two boys's heads snapped up to glare at the teenage boy; who also had large bags underneath his eyes.

"I heard you up in Beth's room last night", Micheal accused; catching everyone's attention. "What were you doing?".

The amusement disappeared from his face; his eyes narrowed as he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. He opened his mouth snap at him, but Lori quickly cut him off. "Kenny", she scolded in a whisper. Shane and Rick looked at each other and chuckled, continuing to shovel eggs into their mouths to hide their amusement from the angry mother.

"You better be using protection", Andrea lectured with a smirk. "Who knows what would happen if you got the poor girl pregnant?".

"That's the last thing we need right now",T-Dog butt in.

Micheal took another bite of his eggs and laughed quietly; earning a smile from Carl.

"Glenn", Kenny quickly spoke up.

The Korean boy flinched, his wide eyes shooting up from his plate to stare at his friend. Slowly, chewing the food in his mouth, "what?".

"Don't you have something to tell everyone?".

"Oh, um...—". Glenn's gaze nervously shifted around the group before looking back down at his plate. All eyes were now on him. "Yeah...".

"Spit it out, man", Shane muttered.

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