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Don't Forget Your meds!

          Micheal walked down the path, his hand on his chest as he watched his feet

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Micheal walked down the path, his hand on his chest as he watched his feet. His heart was racing and he couldn't tell if it was because he was worried, or excited.

They were leaving today.

They were leaving camp and setting out towards the CDC to find a solution to all of this-- At least, that's what they hope.

"I just don't get why you don't like him".

Curiously, the boy looked up at his older sister, "what?".

Her eyebrows narrowed in annoyance, "were you even listening? I've been talking to you for the past five minutes!".

"Sorry, I'm tired", he reached up to wipe his eyes for effect. "What were you saying?".

She gave him a look as if she knew he was lying, but she decided not to push it and continued, "I asked why you don't like Carl".

"He's a dick, Soph, no one likes him".

"That's not true! Everyone likes him", Sophia exacerbated. It was true, everyone loved Carl Grimes. He was the type of person that was easy to like, everyone loved how kind and mature he was; so how come Micheal never saw that side of him? The better question: "why does Carl not like me".

Neither of them has ever done anything to each other to cause this tension, so why did it exist? Maybe they just weren't supposed to go together, like oil and water, like gas and flame.

Sophia stared at him for a few moments, "look, you're my big brother and I just want you two to get along. You're kind of like my best friend and it sucks that I can't hang out with both of you at the same time". Micheal tightened his jaw and looked down, guilt welding up inside his chest. "So, try? For me?".

"Try what?", Micheal asked.

"I don't know, to get along?".

"Carl has been an asshole to me since the moment I met him, I haven't done anything", Micheal turned. "It's not fair for you to ask me to just ignore that".

"Sophia! Micheal!".



Micheal sat on the RV's bed, his head leant against the wall as he stared out the window. He watched as the trees turned into a green blur as they passed by.

They were on their venture to the CDC.

Morales and his family parted their ways with the group, heading down the Birmingham to meet with the rest of their family. The rest of them, however, decided to stick together and journey down to the city in hopes to find answers.

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