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X's and O.

          The drive to the neighborhood couldn't have been any longer than fifteen minutes, but to Micheal, it felt like an eternity

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The drive to the neighborhood couldn't have been any longer than fifteen minutes, but to Micheal, it felt like an eternity. The entire car ride was silent, the only sound either of them made was if they huffed or sighed; the tension was uncomfortable and stiff. Micheal was afraid to say anything, he couldn't imagine how Shane was feeling or how he would react to him.

Micheal hated when people were mad at him. If it were Richard or Kenny, he could handle it, they were always upset about something. But anyone other than that, it was a different story.

He could tell Shane was still angry by how hard he was holding the steering wheel, Micheal learned that from Ed.

The twelve year old boy sat in the passenger seat, staring out the open window. The wind nipped at his pale skin, forming goosebumps on his arms. He left his shirt in the woods when he ran away from Shane, leaving him in only a white tank top.

"Up here", Shane suddenly spoke.

They turned into the entrance of the deserted neighborhood.

The car slowed to a stop and Shane put it in park, grabbing his police hat from the dashboard and pulling it over his bald head.

Micheal stepped out of the car, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder while shutting the door with his other hand. He slipped on his backpack and began walking into the neighborhood.

"Ah, ah", Shane called as he climbed out the drivers seat.

Micheal stopped and rolled his eyes, his head following with it to stare at the man. "What?".

Shane gave him a scolding glare before lifting the binoculars to take a look around. Micheal scoffed, continuing to walk to the end of the street; stopping at the crossroad. Just down the street was the house he found Sophia at the other day. He looked around, trying to see if there were any signs of her, only to find nothing. No movement, no sound, no walkers.

All the houses seemed untouched, the only sign of vandalism were large black X's spray painted on all the garage doors. His eyes land on a house on the opposite side of the neighborhood. It stood out amongst the other homes, it was a large home with every window boarded up, dead walkers littering it's yard.

"Seems quiet", Shane muttered as he turned off the cars engine, moving to stand at Micheal's side. He looked around before his eyes landed on the same house Micheal was staring at. "Let's start lookin', we'll go house to house, start at the far end and make our way back".

Without another word, the two began approaching the home, their weapons drawn. As they got closer, Micheal also noticed something different; unlike the other houses, the garage was a little cracked open with a large 'O' on it.

There was a barbecue-y stench coming from inside the house.

Shane shot a glance at Micheal before walking up the path. The door was off it's hinges, it was propped up in the doorway to give the illusion it was closed. Shane and Micheal make their way up the porch, the boy stands with his gun raised as Shane lifted the door and propped it against the wall.

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