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survival of the fittest.

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN,survival of the fittest

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"I used to run track".

The silence he received was unbearable, so unbearable that it made him sick to his stomach.

"Sophia made me, she didn't want to do it alone, so she signed me up", Micheal smiled softly. "She got so mad every time I beat her in races. She was proud of me though-- she always told me that".

No response.

The smile on Micheal's face flattened as he slowly buried his head in his arms, he stared at the wooden floor beneath his feet. He didn't expect an answer back, but each time he didn't get a response, it was a reminder of what he has done.

"I liked running, you know. Used too because now I only run when I'm in danger".

Micheal felt a throbbing pain in his forearm, causing tears to prick his eyes. He stared down at the blue and purple handprint beginning to form around his wrist. Scabs already took place where the man's fingernails dug into him.

"Don't leave me!".

Micheal's bottom lip quivered as he pulled down his sleeve and forcefully wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry-- I'm so sorry, Carl".

"Don't do this!".

One swift kick to the hefty mans face and he went silent, his body falling limp as he cried.

Micheal cried as he fell back, gripping his aching arm. He watched with wide eyes as the walkers, one by one, fell to their knees and began feasting on the man.


Their shoes squeaked on the tiles as they ran through the deserted hallway; the monsters hot on their trail. Their roars and snarls echoed off the walls, making it feel like something out of a nightmare. They rounded the corner at the end of the hall; only to be greeted by more walkers, just past them was the exit

Micheal looked down the other end of the corridor, his heart dropping as more began sprinting towards them. Some ran on their hands and feet, causing the slower monsters to trip over them.

"In here!", Shane shouted, grabbing Micheal by the arm and yanking him inside the dark gymnasium; the two men right behind him, slamming the gym door behind them.

There was a moment of silence before Micheal was tackled to the ground. He screamed, instinctively grabbing ahold of the monster before it got him, holding it above him with his knees pressed to its chest, his hands gripping her shoulders.

It was a teenage girl in a cheerleading uniform, her greasy blond hair was pulled into a ponytail with a red and black ribbon. Her glazed over eyes were blue and veiny, her jaw was dislocated making her mouth two times larger than an average walker.

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