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Comedy Club.

          It's been two hours since Merle's rescue team left camp, and everything has gone back to normal

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          It's been two hours since Merle's rescue team left camp, and everything has gone back to normal. The kids went on with playing, the women went back to their chores, and the men went back to their guns-- or whatever it was that the men did.

Micheal sat beside his mother, his feet in the cold water, his toes curling and uncurling in the mud. Ripples formed in the lake as the women dipped the clothes into the water while quietly chatting with each other-- occasionally giggling at something Andrea or Amy would say. Ever-so-often, Micheal would catch sight of the marks on Amy's neck, and he would grimace to himself.

Just across the way, Carl and Sophia were laughing and splashing each other while Shane patiently watched; waiting for them to stop so he could continue his lecture about catching frogs. He wanted to join them, but he didn't feel like dealing with Carl right now. Once locking eyes with Sophia, he immediately looked away to his brothers sitting on a bench a couple of yards away. Despite there being many things he could be doing right now, he decided against it and sat with his mother, too drowsy from his meds.

So, he decided to spend some time with his mom and the other woman doing laundry.

Amy and Andrea Harrison, Jacque Jacobs, and Carol Pelletier would dip the dirty clothes in the river water before pulling it out. Water would drip and splash into the lake as they twisted it and then handed it to Micheal so he could hang it up to dry on the Boulder beside them.

"I miss my Maytag". Carol quietly whines to herself as she handed one of Carl's shirts to her son. Micheal took it and hung it up with his other clothes, besides his own. He didn't have many clothes, never really did. His family was poor, and would usually just buy clothes from goodwill or get them as donations. Micheal didn't mind though, it was never really like he was trying to impress people. His mother was a stay-at-home mom, and his father, after being discharged from the marines for disorderly conduct, became a mechanic.

"I miss my Benz, my sat nav". Andrea hummed, scrubbing one of her own shirts, a pleased look on her face.

"I miss my computer— texting", Amy smiles at the shy boy as she handed him a bra. She giggled at his red face as he gently placed it in her pile. "What do you miss, Micheal?".

"Hey, guys", Sophia greeted as she and Carl staggered over from across the lake, leaving Shane and Lori, who were visibly arguing, "What are you guys talking about?".

"What we miss from before, it's Micheal's turn", Amy giggled before turning her attention back onto the shy boy. "Well?".

The boy shrugged sluggishly.

"Oh, come on, nothing? Not school? No best friend?", Andrea smirked knowingly. "A girlfriend?".

"What?!", the boy squeaked, causing them to laugh.

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