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The boy snapped awake, shooting up from the porch bench he fell asleep on. There was a blanket placed on top of him; a blanket he was using to block the morning sun. Micheal rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "hm?".

"Dude, you slept out here?".

Micheal looked down at the blanket and the throw pillow he was resting his head on,
"I didn't wanna' see Richard".

After leaving Carl's room last night; Micheal found himself sitting on the porch bench for hours. He thought over his day, he thought about what Shane had said to him and what he'd done to Otis. He thought about Sophia and where she could've been on that very moment. He needed to do something.

He needed to find her; he needed his sister.

Once his eyes adjusted to the bright light, he was able to see Kenny standing over him with a pile of comics and books in his hands. He wore a white tank top and a pair of Richard's old jeans. He looked exhausted.

He had big dark circles under his eyes; he wondered if his looked the same.

Kenny stared at him with an annoyed and sighed, "yeah, I get that. You gotta' get over it, dude. He's just upset about Sophia".

Get over it.

That's all Micheal's been doing his entire life; he wanted an apology, he deserved it.

"Do you blame me too?", he quietly asked.

"What?", Kenny placed the books down on the side table and sat next to his little brother on the bench. He stared at him with nothing but concern glistening I'm his eyes.

Micheal swallowed, pinching his knuckles between his fingers, "Richard thinks it my fault, do you think so too?".

"Of course not, Mikey, this ain't your fault. If she wanted to be found, we'd've found her by now. We all know Sophia loves to run away".

This was true, Sophia was notorious for disappearing— she'd wander off for days at a time and return with little to no information as to where she went. It happened so often that Ed and Carol no longer payed it any mind, even referring to her disappearances as her 'throwing fits' or 'having an episode'.

Sophia Pelletier was a wonderer; Sophia was a survivor.

Micheal nodded, "you're right".

"I know", Kenny picked up the comic books again and stood up. "And don't let Richard get to you, he's just angry. He only blames himself for Sophia going missing, nobody else".

"He blames himself?", Micheal asked in a whisper. "He said that?".

Kenny tightened his jaw, "in his own way".

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