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Just Like Dad.

          Blindly, the group followed Rick inside of the CDC, their hands shielding their eyes from the bright light

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          Blindly, the group followed Rick inside of the CDC, their hands shielding their eyes from the bright light.

Richards hand protectively held itself on the back of Sophia's neck, the other on Micheal's shoulder as he led them inside the building. The inside smelled clean, like a museum or a hospital. It was large too, it reminded Micheal of the late night hospital visits as a child. It smelled like the nights he'd lay up in the hospital bed with his eyes closed and listened to the quiet conversations around him. Micheal hated the hospital.

He hated the sound of the heart monitor beeping, he hated the rude nurses, and especially, he hated needles.

The sound of a shotgun cocking from a dark corner of the lobby caught everyone's attention. They all whipped around to face the direction of threat, their guns drawn. In the corner stood a tall, red headed man with a shotgun pointed towards them. The light reflected off his glasses, making him look like a villain from those cartoons him and Sophia would watch as children.

"Anybody infected?!". The man called, emerging from the darkness to greet the group of strangers.

"One of our group was", Rick informed breathlessly; referring to Amy Harrison. His trembling hands gripped tightly onto the pistol he held. "She didn't make it".

"Why are you here?". The man asked, arching his light eyebrows. "What do you want?". The man's brown eyes scanned the group, soaking them in— almost as if studying them. His eyes met Micheal's, but he quickly looked down to avoid eye contact.

"A chance". Rick mumbled after a few seconds of silence, his voice dripping with exhaustion.

"That's asking an awful lot these days". The man mumbled, lowering the gun with a small shadow of a smile on his chapped lips. Slowly, he lowered his gun.

"I know".

"You all submit to a blood test". He announced, glancing around the group one last time before locking gaze with Rick. Nodding his head in hopes of an agreement, "That's the price of admission".

"We can do that".

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now". The man announced, "Once this door closes, it stays closed".

"Rick Grimes".

"Dr. Edwin Jenner".


The only sound to be heard in the elevator was the mechanic humming of the wires as it descended into the basement.

Everyone stood closely together, shoulder to shoulder to all fit inside the enclosed space. Micheal nervously played with his sweaty fingers, trying to distract himself from the small amount of space they had. He stood anxiously between Sophia and Carl, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

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