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          Micheal spent the rest of the day sitting in Dale's RV

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          Micheal spent the rest of the day sitting in Dale's RV.

He didn't mind it though, it was nice to be alone sometimes. For once, he actually felt at ease; no fear his father was gonna barge in and get angry at him, his mother wasn't going to bother him about anything, Carl and Sophia were leaving him alone for once.

He felt calm.

After what happened at the quarry, Carl and the Pelletier siblings made their way back up to camp. Immediately, everybody's eyes were on them and they all watched as they disappeared into the RV. Dale Harvoth was immediately at their aid, fixing them up and comforting both Kenny and Micheal while Sophia explained the situation. Micheal liked Dale, he was kind, like genuinely kind. Not most people were, especially anymore, most people fake kindness to get something in return, but not Dale Harvoth.

After awhile, people moved on from what happened and stopped coming to check on Micheal and went back to their chores. Carl and Sophia went to explore, Kenny probably went to Amy or whatever other girl he could get something from, and Richard went back to the tent with their dad.

Micheal finally had some peace.

He spent most of the day reading the rest of the books Dale had in his RV, he finally finished up the last of his stash. He even finished up some drawings in his notebook he's been meaning to finish up. Occasionally, someone would come in and he'd great them with a shy smile or quiet hello and they'd offer an apologetic smile with a pity look in their eyes. No one asked what happened, in some sad way, they already knew.

Micheal's eyes darted from the window back to his notebook, thoughtfully drifting the pencil across the paper. Music played over his headphones as he shaded in the drawing of the quarry. His eyebrows were knitted together, his teeth mindlessly grazed his bottom lip. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon, making the sky a purplish pink. Mike stopped for a second to stare, silently cursing himself for not grabbing his colored pencils.

He wasn't good at drawing in color.

He didn't mind though, some pictures look better in black and white.


The boy flinched, quickly turning his head to watch as Carl made his way over to look at his drawing. His fearful expression melted into anger as he turned off his music player and slammed his notebook close.

"Dinners done", Carl rolled his eyes. "I told you out of the kindness of my own heart and you have an attitude with me".

Micheal rolled his eyes, knowing very well Lori told her son to come get the lonely boy. He slid out from the booth and nervously made his way down the RV steps. The group sat around a dimly lit fire, enjoying their fish dinner off an array of plates; plastic and glass. They all talked and laughed with one another, their joyful expressions illuminated by the bright flames of the fire.

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