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Grief Is a Weird Word.

          Micheal felt guilty for his lack of remorse, But then again, was he even supposed to feel bad?

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         Micheal felt guilty for his lack of remorse, But then again, was he even supposed to feel bad?

How the hell were you supposed to feel in that situation? Your abusive dad dies, you celebrate, right? But do you feel bad? Do you feel remorse? Maybe grief? He's still your dad. Micheal wasn't sure, he wasn't sure what to feel, or how to feel? Maybe he could process this better if he just took his meds, but why? At what cost? To feel like a mindless zombie? no.

Edward Pelletier was born and raised in northern Atlanta Georgia. He was brought up by his mother and father, alongside three younger siblings, Robert, Annabelle, and Annalise. He was given everything he's ever wanted by his parents, who were heart set on giving their children the lives they never had. Ed wasn't ever held accountable for anything he did, he was never disciplined, or talked down too. He was loved, he was cherished.

Micheal figures that's why his father turned out the way he did.

Edward Pelletier began doing drugs and drinking at fourteen years old. At seventeen, he got kicked out after hitting his mother while intoxicated, and moved in with his girlfriend, and future wife, Carol Marie Deeley. They then had four beautiful children Micheal Eric, Richard Dee, Kenny Isaac and Sophia Rose. Who in which then endorsed his abuse their entire lives.

Micheal tried thinking of any good times he's had with his father, any redeeming qualities he'd miss, anything to help him mourn his fathers death.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't think of one thing.

Micheal struggled to make his way down the hall but each step felt like he was getting dizzier and dizzier. He stopped, staring at the ground for a few seconds before taking another step and falling over. He caught himself on the wall and leant his head against it, releasing a breath of air. He doesn't know how Ed did this everyday; he looked up at the light and tried to brace himself before pushing off the wall and continued down the corridor.

After a few more moments of struggling to walk, he finally made it to his room. He stood outside the door for a few seconds, trying to sober himself up before having to face Sophia again. Once he was confident enough, he moved to open the door, only to find it was locked.

He groaned, raising his fist, and knocked.

After a few moments, it opened, revealing Sophia. The thirteen-year-old girl stood in the doorway, a disgusted look on her face as she looked him up and down; he smiled. "What do you want?".

Her hair was wet, she looked clean. Out of all their siblings, Sophia looked the most like her dad. Sometimes it was unsettling to Micheal, sometimes when he'd look Sophia in the eye, he could only see their father looking back at him. Maybe he was scared of Sophia, maybe that's why he let her pick on him the way she did. Micheal's gaze fell on the oversized black t-shirt she wore, with some rapper on the front smoking a cigarette, he assumed it was Kenny's. "They have showers here?".

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