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don't let 'em see you cry.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN,don't let 'em see you cry

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Sophia ran.

She ran and she ran until she could no longer feel the burning in her legs or lungs. She only had one thing on her mind: finding her brother. Her sweet, innocent, big brother.

Sophia knew Micheal got picked on at school, but never did she think it was this bad. Never would she think the bullying would escalate to anything physical. Micheal begged and pleaded for her to leave it alone and not say anything to the two older boys, and so she obliged. Now, all she felt was guilt.

Sophia was Micheal's protector.

So why did she let the bullying get this bad?

The bat felt heavy in her hands as she came to a stop at the school gates, watching with fury as the crowed cheered and laughed. "Hey!".

Kids turned and a clear pathway was made to the fight; two boys towered over Micheal, kicking and punching. Sophia seethed, her knuckles white as she marched up to the boys. She wound the piece of wood back and swung, knocking one of the boys to the ground. "What the hell--", she twisted and swung again, knocking the wind out of the other boy. He coughed, spitting onto the ground he knelt upon.

"You fuck with my brother again, I'll kill you", She spoke low, unwavering. "Do you understand?".

The boy didn't say anything, but his lack of snarky responses was enough for Sophia. She turned to her older brother, still curled into a shaking ball. "Mike", she knelt and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him to sit up. "Come on, get your ass up. Don't let 'em see you cry".

Branches whipped the two kids faces as they sprinted through the woods, their legs burned and their chests ached. Micheal could feel the welts beginning to form on his pale cheeks with each thwack to his face; his hand remained protectively in front of his eyes, occasionally peaking through to make sure Sophia was still in sight.

He turned his head, five.

Five monsters.

Five snarling beasts who'd stop at nothing to feast on their bodies were following them.  Micheal looked back at his sister, but stopped dead in his tracks once noticing she was gone.


An arm wrapped around his waist, a hand over his mouth as he was ripped away from the trail. Micheal thrashed around before biting down onto the mans finger. He was let go, he twisted himself around, his pocket knife raised-- but lowered it once seeing Rick Grimes doubled over in pain, gripping his bleeding hand, Sophia behind him.

They lock eyes.

The growling grew louder.

"Come on", Rick winced, grabbing tightly onto the children's hands-- dragging them further away from the monsters. "Keep close".

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