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the switch.

               Micheal studied the map, biting his cheek as he tried to muster up the courage to speak

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               Micheal studied the map, biting his cheek as he tried to muster up the courage to speak. He likes to believe he's gotten better at speaking up, he definitely has with his brothers, so he doesn't understand why it was so difficult to speak to Shane; maybe it's because he scared him, or maybe it's because they murdered a man together.

Micheal quickly looked back down at his map, trying to shift his attention onto something else before the thought consumed him. His finger trailed from the stretch of green where Hershel's farm was to a neighborhood not to far down the road. If they made it that far, so did she. He lifted his head to look out the car window, the shrubbery turning into a green blur as they drove past.

When Shane came up to the boys and asked if he could take Micheal with him to the freeway; Kenny immediately got defensive. Something about the way he looked at him, the way he spoke to him, it made Micheal feel as if he knew something. Kenny never had a problem with Shane before, in fact, he liked Shane; but he's been seeing the looks him and Richard were giving the man, the way they eyed him every time he opened his mouth.

Maybe he was being too obvious, maybe he was giving them away.

Maybe they did know.

"Why aren't we looking at the other houses?", he spoke up from the backseat.

He needed a distraction.

"What do you mean?".

Micheal hesitantly leant forward to place the map onto the middle console of the car, his finger pressed to the paper. "The neighborhood down the road from Hershel?".

"It's too soon for her to be out that far, don't you think? We're stickin' 'round the highway and creek", Shane responded firmly, "if we still haven't found her in a couple days, we'll go lookin' there".

"I just... I just think if we've made it this far out, so did she".

"No offense, Mike", Shane looked at him in the rear view mirror, "she couldn't even find her way back to the freeway. The creek and the highway are her only landmarks".

"I—...I just—...", Micheal bit his tongue and lent back into the seat, trying to calm his racing heart; trying to keep himself from getting angry. "I just think it's something worth looking into, if we really want to find her then we should be looking everywhere".


The boy looked down and began picking at his hands, "okay".

Shane continued to look between Micheal and the road. "I'm taking you to the highway, aren't I? You're helping right now".

Micheal didn't respond.

"We shouldn't be wasting our time lookin' in places where we know she won't be", Shane stared off in the road and began slowing down as they maneuvered around cars. "We just can't risk it".

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