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the real world.

                 "Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips", Carl sung quietly to himself as he tugged at the strings on his jeans, "We should just kiss like real people do"

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"Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips", Carl sung quietly to himself as he tugged at the strings on his jeans, "We should just kiss like real people do".

Micheal wouldn't admit it, but it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing Carl genuinely enjoyed the music Micheal played for him. He liked it so much that Carl insisted on keeping it playing as they slept, Micheal didn't mind it though, it was calming. All morning he was catching Carl humming the song or mindlessly mumbling the lyrics under his breath; it made him happy.

They made eye contact and Carl turned red.

Micheal forced down a smile and looked away.

"Everybody takes a weapon", Rick announced, gesturing to the black leather arsenal full of melee weapons that were rolled out across the hood of the minivan. "Only one".

Richard was the first to move; taking ahold of a red handled bowie knife located in the center; Glenn audibly groaned, "I wanted that one", he whined.

"Should've been faster", Richard held it up, inspecting the jagged end. He looked at Micheal, "you grabbing one?".

He shook his head, "I have my pocket knife".

"Guys, look!", Kenny twisted around, holding up a small axe and pretended to swing; the three boys flinched, all shouting 'dude', in unison. "Pussies".

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need". Andrea spoke up, angrily, she gestured a hand towards the arsenal. "What about guns?".

"Ain't we been over that?", Shane asked, "Daryl, Rick and I are carrying. We can't have people pooping off rounds every time a tree rustles".

"It's not the trees I'm worried about".

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by, then it's game over for all of us", Shane's tone was becoming less authoritative and more irritable with each word, "so you need to get over it".

There was a silence.

"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side". Daryl announced, his eyes lingering on the visibly exhausted brothers  standing by the minivan. "Chances are she'll be by the creek, It's her only landmark".

Richard, Kenny, and Daryl didn't come back until everyone was already asleep. Micheal and Carl were listening to music in the back when the two older ones stumbled in and took their places in the front and back seats, within seconds, they were fast asleep.

They were covered in dirt and dried blood, their large eye bags standing out on their faces.

Rick spoke up, "Stay quite and stay sharp. Keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other. Dale, keep on those repairs". He ordered, turning to the old man. "We've got to get this RV ready to move".

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