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Kenny felt sick.

He stared down at his injured older brother, trying his hardest to hold back his emotions. He hid his pain with an annoyed expression, a disbelief smile on his face. "so, what? Does that mean she's dead?". Richard rolled his eyes to look up at the ceiling, as if also trying to hide feelings. There was a silence in the room, neither of them dared to speak— he didn't know what to say. How could he? He didn't know the truth.

What kind of comfort could Richard really give him, when he himself didn't have any. They were two, lost, desperate boys with a dead little sister— and neither of them wanted to admit it.
But they both knew the truth.

"Do you have it?", his voice broke. Richard lowered his head to look at him. "Do you have her shirt?", his voice shook as he spoke.

"No", he answered. "I don't".

Kenny shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek so hard he could taste blood. "What did it look like? Was it ripped? Or bloody or, or—".

"No, Ken", Richard looked down at his hands, picking at his knuckles. "It was fine, she must've dropped it after she changed into something else. We're close to finding her, that's what this means".

Kenny clenched his jaw, nodding. "Okay".

Richard nodded, "okay".

"Is that all?".

Richard stared at him for a moment before sighing, "yeah, that's all".

Without another word, Kenny left the room. He yanked open the bedroom door and quickly  closed it behind him. Tears burned in his eyes, a lump was beginning to form in his throat. He moved across the living room to pull open the front door; the cold breeze nipping at his skin.

He released a shaky breath, a tear slipping down his cheek. He felt nauseous; the thought of Sophia out there, cold and alone, it made him want to vomit.

He felt sick.

"You okay?", a small voice asked.

Kenny turned and locked eyes with the teen girl sitting on the porch swing. Her knees were pulled to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs, her chin rested on top of them. Her blond curly hair was let down, falling over her small shoulders and framing her face.

Her blue eyes stared into his own.

"Yeah", Kenny forced a smile, forcefully wiping the tears from his face. He quickly looked back to his camp, too embarrassed to make eye contact. "Long night".

"Yeah, I'm sure that was very difficult for you", Beth chuckled, looking out at the tree line. Kenny looked at her, his eyes fixated on her porcelain face. "That was a stupid stunt you pulled".

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