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The gun range was awkward.

Every time their bodies got close, Beth would immediately step away or duck underneath his touch. Patricia watched them the entire time, her eyebrows raised and a judgmental look on her face. If Kenny were to talk to them or instruct them on what to do, they wouldn't respond, and if they did, it was something short and insignificant.

Kenny didn't know what to do, never in his life has it been so hard for him to get a girl to want him back. The truck came to a stop and the boy hopped out the bed, quickly moving to open the back door for Beth.

The blond teenage girl gave him a short, sweet smile as she turned to help Patricia out of the car. "Thank you", she said quietly as they walked back towards the house, her hand slipping into Kenny's as she passed, leaving a small piece of paper in his hand.

Kenny quickly looked down at the note she slipped him, his eyes widening as he watched her walk away, a smirk on her face.

"Tough break", Rick patted the boy on his shoulder as he walked off; Carl following close behind. "Maybe next time".

Kenny quickly unfolds the tiny piece of paper: come to my window once everyone's asleep

Kenny'a cheeks burned as the smile on his face widened. He couldn't wait to tell Glenn. The boy quickly turned around, jumping as he came face to face with said Korean man. "Shit, dude!".

"I have to tell you something, follow me", Glenn whisper-shouted at him before turning and walking away. Kenny raised his eyebrows, looking around as he followed after him. The two came to a stop in front of the RV so nobody could see them; he stepped back to make sure Dale was out of earshot on top of its roof.

"Dude, what's going on with you?", Kenny's eyes widened, quickly leaning forward to look in the man's eyes. "Did you take Merle's shit?".

"No, man", Glenn placed his hand on his chest and gently pushed him away. "It's serious".

Kenny raised his eyebrows, "what is it?".

"You can't tell anyone".

"Just tell me".

"There's walkers in the barn".

Kenny's heart dropped, his jaw slacked as he stared at his friend in disbelief, "you're joking".

"Me and Maggie were supposed to meet there last night, that's what the note was about, I told her to meet me up there". Glenn glanced around anxiously, stepping closer to whisper. "There were dozens, dude. I think they've been feeding them".

Kenny was in shock.

Less then 100 yards away was a barn full of the dead; dozens of walkers that could easily tear through the camp in a matter of minutes. Less than 100 yards from where they slept at night.

He felt sick to his stomach.

How could Beth not tell him? How could Hershel not saying anything?

"And Lori's pregnant".

"What?!". Glenn quickly shushed him, quickly looking up to make sure Dale didn't hear him. Kenny quickly stepped away, eyes wide. "She's pregnant?!", he whisper yelled.

Glenn nodded, "nobody knows, you can't tell anyone, I'm serious".

"Not even Richard?".

"Not even Richard".

"I can't do that, I tell Richard everything", Kenny said quickly, "and I can't keep a secret for shit, he'll take one look and me and he'll know— he can tell".

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