Chapter 17. Changes.

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Taehyung had locked himself in his room, not wanting to speak to either of his parents after what they had done.
All this time he had agonised over why he had always felt like he did, they'd had the answer all along.
Did it make him feel any better?
Of course it didn't, it only confused him more, because it only gave him more questions than answers.

Did he have genuine feelings for Jungkook?
Was the whole of their entanglement solely based on some witch's spell?
If it hadn't been done would they still feel the attraction they both seemed to feel? Probably not? But hopefully?
Did he want it to be real?
Would having it be the result of witchcraft give him an out if he wanted to take it?

His feelings for the Jeon boy was quagmire to begin with, and now, knowing what he does, its only intensified a hundred fold. He'd been struggling for so long about how he felt, and now he had to deal with the fact that his actual agonies, may not even have been his own to begin with.

Where did he go from here?

Was Jungkook feeling the same?

He doubted it.

Yugyeom had called Hoseok the next day to apologise to him about the remarks he'd made about Baekhyun and Taehyung at the party.
He explained he was out of line, and just because he was jealous didn't give him the right to make anyone else feel like shit. Hoseok being the little ball of sunshine he was, easily forgave him, although he did insist that Yugyeom pay for his lunch the following day when they went back to school.

He wanted a face to face conversation with Jungkook though, so he'd found him lounging morosely on the sofa in the den, dressed in his pyjamas, his hair a fluffy mess. Yugyeom found it endearing, but the look on the other's face told him that this wasn't going to be easy at all.

"Kook," he muttered quietly. The boy on the sofa looked up at him with puffy red rimmed eyes.

"I'm in no mood to talk, Yugyeom," he croaked out and clicked the TV on.

"Jesus, did you get any sleep?" The curly haired boy asked, as he stood in front of him. Jungkook stretched to look around him at the screen.

"I'm sorry for what I said," Yugyeom tried again. "I'd no right to say what I did." He finished with a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Doesn't matter," Jungkook told him, his eyes still not leaving the screen. "You were right anyway. He is a whore," his voice, devoid of emotion as he finished.

"I-I, " Yugyeom swallowed and sat down on the edge of the sofa. "What happened, Jungkook?" he asked softly, his eyes roamed the other's face. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Doesn't matter," Jungkook whispered morosely, clicking the remote, flicking from channel to channel.
"Just know that you were right."

Yugyeom's heart accelerated a little. For whatever Taehyung had done, or who, is more likely, it kind of left the way free for him to try once again.
Maybe now Jungkook had seen for himself how much a player Taehyung was, then he'd start to forget him, and give someone else a chance.
Someone that wouldn't cheat.

At the same time he felt bad for him, for it obviously hurt him quite deeply. He and Tae weren't even dating, but somehow Jungkook looked liked he'd been flattened by an emotional steam roller.

Silence had ensued for a few moments, an awkward silence, as Yugyeom battled with himself about whether or not he should say anything more. In the end, he just had to know.

"Kook," he started with the clearing of his throat, his hand on the other's knee to get his attention.

"My timing is probably lousy, but," he smiled awkwardly and Jungkook brought his eyes to his face.

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