Chapter 6.First Blood.

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"A party? Father you can't be serious?!" Seulgi exclaimed, her slim hand on her chest, the fingers fiddling with the beads of her pearl necklace.

"Of course I'm serious. I have my family back under my roof where they belong. I want to celebrate it," Wonwoo said as he poured himself a large whisky from the crystal decanter on the maple wood drinks cabinet.

"Celebrate that you've won you mean," she said, her dark eyes expressing her displeasure, "you want to prove to everyone that no one escapes you forever. You're trying to humiliate me in front of the whole town, aren't you?" She lifted her eyes to hold her fathers, who merely smiled at her. "I mean you are inviting everyone. Right?" she asked, still holding his gaze.

"Right," he affirmed, "everyone is invited," he swallowed the large whiskey in one go and placed the glass back on the cabinet.
"But it's not to humiliate you. No, that would only serve to bring to light the fact that my own daughter out smarted me for years," he smiled, but as always it never reached his eyes. "I just want everyone to share in my happiness that's all."

"Happiness?" she asked, gliding past him to reach for the bottle of Balvenie scotch, only the best for her father, and poured herself a measure. "You don't know what that means, Wonwoo," she turned to him, irritated. "You're not capable of happiness. Showing it, or feeling it. You need a heart to feel that emotion and I learned a long time ago you don't possess one." With that she gulped at the golden liquid, her eyes watered a little at the burn in her throat.


"You don't even love the boys, you never did," her voice rose. "You only wanted them here because Jeon blood runs in their veins. You never even loved me when I was growing up." She tugged her own hair in frustration. "Why can't you just leave us be!?"

"Sweetheart," he repeated and lifted a slim hand up to smooth his daughter's ruffled hair, taking his time to tuck a stray lock behind her ear. "You're my family and it's my job to look after you. All of you. Now what kind of parent would I be if I didn't do that? Hmm?"
He looked at her and smiled softly, the smile making him devastatingly handsome, but a smile that hid the sickening truth of the who he really was. "So a party it is, to welcome my beautiful grand children home. Besides, the invitations have already gone out."

"With any luck they'll all turn you down," she muttered and he laughed heartily. She knew that unfortunately everyone would come just to see what would happen next. See if there were going to be any family fire works. Besides, Jeon Wonwoo wanted a party with everyone there, then that's what he would have.
No one refuses him anything, it just wasn't worth it. Seulgi's father was the most powerful and the most hated vampire in their town, he held too many secrets about others to be fully liked. Not that it mattered, he wasn't interested in being liked, he was only interested in wielding power and that's exactly what he did.




The boys disliked their grandfather on sight, Jungkook especially found it hard to be in the same house, let alone the same room as him, knowing that he had his father killed. How could anyone do that? He might be Jeon in name, but he had too much of his father in him to be anything other than a Lee, and one day he and Jimin would make that man pay for what he'd done to them.
That besides, Jeon Wonwoo was not an easy person to like anyway. The way he walked into a room and demanded all eyes to be on him, like he was the be all, end all, was off putting in the extreme.

He reeked of arrogance, and every question he asked he wasn't really interested in the answer, he paid only minor lip service to any question that he was asked. Not that the boys had asked him much and they were only polite to him because of their mother.
No, the decision was made that they would spend as little time with him as they could get away with. It didn't matter that he had blathered on about his businesses, that were one day going to be their businesses, and between them they would corner the markets in every global corner.
They were just words to the boys, for neither had any intention in following their grandfather's footsteps. What he had done to them, to their mother, had all but blinded them to everything else about him.

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