Chapter 2 : The Arrival.

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Jungkook stretched his denim clad legs out tiredly, the muscles aching from being cramped in the truck for so long. They'd been on the road for hours, each piece of scenery more boring than the last, an endless supply of grey boring buildings followed by even more boring dusty little settlement towns with boring clumps of greenery here and there. For the most part he'd slept on and off trying to make the time go faster and stave off the temptation to throw himself out of the moving vehicle.
How boring could one car trip be? And there was only so many games you could play on your phone before the charge ran out.

Just where the hell was this home town of his mother's? He yawned tiredly turning his face to see his brother asleep on the back seat, his cherubic little cheeks flushed pink in his sleep, his black locks blowing gently about his head from the breeze cascading through the open window.

"How long was I out?" he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, blinking as he turned back to look at his mother who smiled serenely, never taking her eyes off the road.

"About six hours sweetie," she said softly, mindful of waking Jimin, who'd only just dropped off, Jungkook's eyes widened in his sleep flushed face.

"Six hours?!" He exclaimed, lowering his voice when his mother shushed him. "What time is it?" he asked and pulled his hoodie sleeve up to look at his wrist watch, 5.23 am, he groaned inwardly, they've been driving for the better part of 36 hours now.

"It's alright," his mother chuckled softly. "We're here," she informed him as she turned the slowing vehicle off road a little.

"We are?" he asked, his head twisting this way and that, peering through the truck window attempting to see something.


All he saw was loose shapes in the shadowy distance.

He turned in his seat once again, to nudge Jimin's shoulder as his mother opened the truck door and slipped gracefully outside, her expression cool and unreadable.

"Chimmy, we're here," he whispered, gently shaking his shoulder, his gaze tracking his mother's movements.

Jimin yawned like a sleepy kitten, sat up and stretched his limbs. "Where's mom?" he asked, his voice a little husky from sleep. Jungkook smiled at his brother, noting the little sleep line on his otherwise smooth cheek, he must have been dozing on a wire or something to have left such a mark.

"She's outside looking at something," he said twisting around to see her leaning against the hood of the truck, "fuck knows what though, cause I can't see shit," he told him, his eye brows furrowed as he once again cast his eyes into the distance. Jimin sat forward to rest his arms across the back of the vacated drivers seat and peered outside, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"You don't see it?" he asked nodding his head forward, dark eyes sparkling in the illumination of the truck's lit interior. Jungkook squinted in concentration staring straight ahead.

"I don't see anything!" he groused in irritation.

Jimin chuckled softly and pulled his brother closer to him and proceeded to point out the window, "It's right there!"

Jungkook turned to him, looked at him like he was bat shit crazy, "Chim, there's nothing there!" He screeched and Jimin just laughed.

"That's because you're just not seeing." He clicked his tongue and huffed at his brother.

"Ew, dude," Jungkook scrunched his nose up. "Your breath stinks!" he fake gagged reaching for the door handle and got out of the truck.

"Yeah? And what did you eat for breakfast? Dog shit?!" Jimin whined as he followed his brother, though not before subtly huffing a breath into his own hand to smell it's odour.

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