Chapter 30. Unforeseen.

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Hang on to your seats kids, time for a ride!!
* searches online for armour*

The boys were sitting, well lounging around in the den just waiting for the hours to tick closer to when they could leave for the party. So they whiled away the hours kicking each others asses playing video games and feeding the bottomless pits that passes as their stomachs.
Great thing about being a vampire. You can eat and drink anything and everything you want, and you'd be neither sick, bloated nor ever gain an ounce in weight.
Right now, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoshi, Yoongi and Hoseok were stuffing their sweet faces with pizza, chips, popcorn, pretzels and copious amounts of fizzy drinks. And for the love of life, Hoseok's mega large iced strawberry and lemonade drink.

"Hey, Chim," Hoseok nudged him with his foot, making the dark haired boy look up at him.

"Yeah?" He smiled a little. It seemed all of his friends, at one time or another, has adopted the nick name Jungkook had given him as a toddler.

"It might be a touchy subject and all, but, uh, you never told us how your visit to Wonwoo's offices went."

There was a collective groan at the mention of the patriarch as no one especially liked the man, let alone wanted to talk about him.

"It went how you would imagine," Jimin told him, still in the middle of throwing popcorn in the air and catching it in is mouth, and chewing heartily.

"He was as boring as ever." The boy told him, his expression straight. "He mostly just liked to parade me in front of his staff telling me what each and every one of them did in boring detail. Then he proceeded to waffle about flow charts, business indicators, consortiums, and loss leaders," he said taking a small breath and filled his mouth with more popcorn. "I think I actually zoned out a couple of times." He smiled a little, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Move over Lee Jung-jin, here comes Jeon Jimin!!" Hoseok chuckled at the oblivious look on Jimin's face. The younger had no idea who the older was talking about. Jimin scratched his head, and Hoseok rolled his eyes deciding not to go into it.

"What I did pay attention to was how much money the man makes! Fuck. You should've seen his face when he talking about it. I swear to god he just about blew off in his pocket when Hansol came in and told him his share in Prism Pharmaceuticals had jumped like a thousand percent!"

"The man has more money than he would ever need. Even if he stopped making money today, he'd still have enough for, well, eternity. He's a greedy dick."

"Don't hold back, and say what you really feel," Yoongi said with a chuckle at the look on his lover's face. Jimin snorted and lifted a bottle of Sprite from the table.

"He's still dying to get you in there by the way." Jimin turned to smile at his baby brother who merely rolled his eyes at the information. "He can't be seen just parading one gorgeously hot,  grandson around." Jimin said, ignoring the small bout of snorts that went around the room. "Oh no, he must show he has power over both of us."

"Well, he can wait 'til hell freezes over for that one. I'm not stepping foot in that shit hole," Jungkook said and plunged his hand into a bowl of pretzels.

"I just thought it would be a good idea to see who did what. I must admit though," Jimin said taking a small sip of his drink. "He delegates more than I thought he would. I mean, for someone as possessive as he is, he has a lot more people poking into his business than I would ever have imagined."

"Yeah, and he probably has cameras two inches apart, lining every wall in every room, including the restrooms, watching every move every single person makes in case someone tries to rob his ass," Jungkook muttered through a mouthful of food. "Any time someone so much as farts he'd know about it."

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