Chapter 22. A New Life?

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Just so ya know, these little header pics are my lame ass attempt at depicting lil scenes about the chapter.. I'm shutting up now  ✌️✌️

It was well past midnight when Sehun and Seungkwan showed up at the boys' usual pitch, and it looked as if the party was well under way as they watched them from a short distance away.
The stars were out, shining brightly in the black ink above their heads. The moon was perfect, full and bright, and casting enough of a glow across lake water to make it eerily beautiful.

Tonight was a little different, apart from the fact that neither Hoshi nor Yugyeom were there, Yugyeom as usual not wanting to hang around their group of late, he'd never liked the idea of not getting together with Jungkook, but the fact that he'd lost him to Taehyung, rankled more than he thought it would. A sixth sense maybe, but feeling that if those two got together, then nothing would separate them after.

Instead he decided to hang out more with Jackson and his crowd, and after all they used to hang with them in elementary and they'd always had fun, and right now, a little fun was just what he needed.
That's not to say that he didn't miss his own, close friends, he did, unbearably some days, but lately he felt a little suffocated by the fact that they all seemed to be pairing off.
Maybe it seemed too much like growing up? Most of their kind, although they had eternity to live, they always seemed to find the ones they were meant to be with early on in their lives, and to all intents and purposes, it seemed like it was happening right under his nose.

As for Hoshi, well, he wasn't exactly in a snuggle worthy position himself with anyone, even though it was widely known he had fancied Joshua for quite a while, he didnt feel in the mood to be lying listening to his coupled up friends banging all night.
Instead, he opted stay home, make a dent in his English assignment, while contemplating if he should just bite the bullet and tell Joshua how he feels. I mean, Joshua himself can't be that clueless can he? No one is that oblivious?

Tonight the boys were making a night of it, and they came prepared with sleeping bags, food coolers, drinks coolers, and the obligatory blood bags, can't be too complacent, you never know when you'll need them, so plenty were packed.

The fire glowed bright, fiery orange, and a sweet mellow yellow, little sparks flying up into the air as the wood crackled and blackened in the heat. The boys, although had individual bags, had decided to zip them together with their boyfriends essentially making it a bed for two. Not that it was time for bed. Hell no, it was only after 12 and in their opinion the night was still young.

Jimin, Taehyung, Baekhyun and Jin were up dancing around to music from Yoongi's phone, amplified with a little witch juice, bringing out the clearest and purest sound from the device,  some of them a little more worse for wear than the other, but all enjoying the freedom to be as loud as they wanted, that the open air could give them.

"Oh, my god," Hoseok exclaimed, poking at Jungkook's shoulder insistently, "look at my baby go!" he said and pointed to Baekhyun dancing with a most definitely drunk Jin.

Jungkook snickered looking up at his friends, and gorgeous boyfriend, dancing around without a care in the world. While Jimin and Taehyung were dancing normally, if a little hotly, their eyes on their partners now and again, Baekhyun was a different matter entirely. The cute dark haired boy was dancing about like a spasticated octopus, arms and legs going in all directions, completely out of time and with no sense of rhythm.
At all.

Of course that wasn't what Hoseok was seeing, he was watching wide eyed as his boyfriend got his sexy self on, a sight truly to behold, but it was only an illusion that he was seeing, for Jungkook was working his projection skills.
He'd been  practising a little everyday, basically since  finding out about it. He worked it at school, on individuals mostly, but sometimes full class rooms of his peers, just little ordinary things.

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