Chapter 3. First Impressions?

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After a few days of settling in to their new life, the boys, after much moaning and whinging about having to go to the posh school, they go to get fitted for their uniforms.
It felt strange having to be measured for school wear, as back at their old schools, they usually had off the peg clothes, a couple pairs of trousers, a few shirts, sweaters and shoes to last them the whole term. Not so here. Here it was bespoke clothes of the very finest quality, hand made leather shoes, hand stitched initialled school shirts of the finest, softest cotton, and special cashmere blazers.
They were there all day being measured, fitted and pulled and pushed. They would have a few made to last them a few weeks and back again for more.

From there they were ushered by their mother into one of many designer shops to get casual clothes, dress clothes, nightwear, underwear and sneakers and shoes. Not that the boys minded new clothes, I mean, who would? It's just the amount of money being spent on them. Seulgi gave a tense little smile.

"Your grandfather just wants to spoil you, give you the best of everything," she told them, her eyes falling to the gold pinkie ring Jungkook was twisting nervously.

It was closer to the truth if she'd said, Jeon Wonwoo couldn't have his blood wandering around town in rags where anyone could see them, after all the Jeons were the oldest, richest, and most powerful family in their town, so money was no object.

After a leisurely lunch at a particularly fancy ass restaurant, Seulgi took them to a car dealership. Now they were here, in amongst the upper class, Cherry Bomb had to retire,

"No fucking way, mom!" Jungkook screeched when he was informed of the latest.

"Language, Jungkook!" His mother scolded him, colour high on her cheeks.

"But mom, that was dad's truck!" Jimin whined a little. He was with his brother on this one.

"I'm not giving her up just to be like all these other snooty, stuck up ass holes here!" Jungkook's eyes blazed with feeling.

"Mom, we learned to drive in Cherry-"

"After all the talk you two put out there, wanting sports cars since you were 6 years old!" She said wide eyed, laughter in her voice.
"And now the unattainable, is very much attainable, you don't want it?" she said waving her hand airily in the direction of luxury available for their perusal, "you just need to pick," she whispered, "Cherry will stick out like a sore thumb," she finished, watching the expressions on their faces as their dark eyes ate up the luxury in front of them.

"I don't care," Jungkook says, peeling his eyes away from a particularly hot and sexy, red Aston Martin Valkyrie roadster. "Cherry's my baby." he swallowed the saliva pooling his mouth as he turned fully away from that sweet, sweet motor.

"She was good enough for dad," he said folding his arms, showing he meant business

"And that's good enough for us," Jimin said looking at Jungkook, who nodded in agreement, "she stays."

"I suppose we could find a mechanic to fix her exhaust, and repaint her," she said with a smile, secretly happy that the boy's were sticking to their guns. Wonwoo was going to love that. Image is everything.

"Phhht! No one touches her," Jimin scoffed. "I'll do it myself,"

Their grandfather will love that more, leaky oil staining his perfect drive way, along with two loud teenage boys tinkling around with an old rust bucket. She couldn't wait for him to come back from his travels and get an eyeful of that. She wonders how he will deal with two boys who are just as strong willed as he is.

Dressed in their new school uniforms, the boys sat at the table eating breakfast consisting of croissants, danish pastries, bacon and eggs, juice and in Jungkook's case, banana milk.
They weren't altogether looking forward to school, aside from the stuffy uniforms, and the fact their grandfather founded the school, they didn't know anyone, and it was always difficult making new friends, the older you got, the harder it seemed to be, right? They did however have a relative attending the same school.

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