Chapter 34. You Killed The Roses.

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Tiny, tiny wee bit of smutiness here, just so you know🤤🫠😏⚠️

Outside the lawn was strewn with red, pink, and white roses, and standing in among them was Yoongi, wearing a long grey coat, and sporting the goofiest smile Jimin had ever seen.
In his hands, which were stretched above his head, was a large boom box, belting out the song, 'In your eyes'. It was from one of Jimin's favourite romantic movies, 'Say Anything.'

He stood there, his little arms wavering with the weight, but he didn't care. All he was seeing right now was Jimin.

Jimin was smiling again.

He was smiling at him.

He wasn't caring either that there were several neighbours out scowling, and telling him to shut that racket off. But did he? Did he fuck! He just stood there, his dark eyes pinned on the beautiful boy looking out his bedroom window, wearing the cutest smile known to man.

Even when Seulgi came out to see what was going on he never took his eyes off his lover, his attention focused solely on the vampire in the window, everyone else's grumbles, fist shaking, and threats went unnoticed.

"Are you going to come down any time soon?" Yoongi shouted over the blaring music, his arms wavering a little under the weight. "Cause this song is about to finish and I'm going to look like an asshole standing here!"

"You are an asshole!" Jimin shouted back, his gorgeous lips curved into a happy smile.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the comment, but felt his own lips tugging in response-

"Will you keep that shit down?!" Someone squawked loudly, clear frustration in their voice.

"Shut the fuck up, Minjae! He's being romantic!" A female voice yelled out from the other direction.

Jimin giggled happily, running his small hand down his beaming face with a little shake of his head. Lights seemed to be going on all over his neighbourhood. A sight that was a little embarrassing for Yoongi, who was still stood like a prize prat in the middle of the garden.

"He can be romantic in daylight hours!" The original grump countered gruffly. "He should be in bed!"

"I think that's what he's aiming for!" Someone else in the distance shouted.

"I hope that's not Seulgi's roses he's scattered about the place!" Cha Eunjae, the Jeon's closest neighbour commented.

Yoongi stood there stupefied as Jimin continued to giggle at all the comments being thrown across the street. Nosy neighbours sticking their oars in.

"That's such a cheap thing to do!"

"Who said that's what he did?! He just wants to be romantic!" The voice of another woman rang out.

"Shove your romance up your ass Yoona!" A new voice, Choi Yunho, joined the melee.

"I might've known you'd be against it!" The woman yelled loudly. "You wouldn't recognise romance if it came up to you and bit you on the balls!"

"Oh my Goooood!" Yoongi groused, twisting his head to get the forming kinks out of his neck.

Jimin sat his pert little ass on the window sill, and splayed his hands in a 'what can I do?' gesture, his eyes sparkling with mirth as he watched his favourite witch.

"Just because I didn't ask you to our high school prom 11 years ago, doesn't mean I'm not romantic!"  Yunho yelled back, voice loaded with irritation.

"Yeah you would think that was the problem!" Yoona scoffed loudly. "You're as dim as a two watt light bulb!"

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