Chapter 7. Realisation.

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A wee shout out to @Mybags0034
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It had been a surprisingly good day Jimin thought. Jungkook had taken a blood bag after breakfast this morning with out an actual fight, it looks like he's definitely coming to terms with the whole vampire thing and that can only be good.
Second, he'd aced the impromptu test in Maths this morning.
Third, he'd managed to talk Hoseokie into letting him have the last Ramen cup at lunch time, the guy is a King, and fourth, he'd actually gotten along with everyone in their so called group. Yoongi not really being the exception due to the fact that Jimin just pointedly ignored the green haired witch. It was better that way, although he'd need to remember to have the daggers removed from his back when he got home after school.

Sitting in English class Yoongi looked around the room, people were chattering in hushed tones about their last homework assignment.
Namjoon was smiling as he talked to Jimin and Hoshi, they were planning on asking Yugyeom, Tae and that other Jeon brat, Jungkook, to the arcade. Jimin seemed to be excited, as far as he could tell, his face flushing a delicate pink and his eyes grew almost as wide as his smile, apparently neither he nor his brother thought that such a thing existed in JeonsTown. A town without an arcade? What kind of morons were they? Yoongi smirked to himself.

All day he had been ignored, not by his own friends of course, but by him, Jimin. Did he think he wouldn't notice? That he'd pointedly, purposefully avoided all things Yoongi related the whole time? Not that it actually bothered him, I mean it's not as if he wanted his attention or anything. He didn't. He'd rather munch on his own toenails. But it rankled him that his own friends hadn't noticed, nor cared what was going on.

He was being excluded.

It bothered him.

A huge, cat that got the cream, smile, made its way across his face as an idea had formed in his mind. Looking up at Mr Han, the English teacher who had been engrossed at the white board, writing out the beginning of the Romeo and Juliet play, with an excitement as it was one of his favourite ever plays by Shakespeare, apparently. Yoongi had a tendency to drown out such things.

He hummed low to himself, his eyes sparked into a soft orange and he kept his eyes hooded as their teacher turned to face the class, all students shifted back in their seats, to pretend they hadn't been chattering the whole time he was writing.

"Now," he addressed the class, his eyes scanning the room for someone to pick on. Most of the class shuffled uncomfortably, trying to avoid being trapped by his gaze, until at last his eyes alighted on Jimin.

"Ok, newbie," he smiled and leaned to sit against his desk, as he read out a couple of lines from the play, then smiled at Jimin before stating his question.
"What was he asking? what was Romeo asking for? and remember, answer in English," he said with a smile and turned away.
Jimin groaned inward, English was one of his worst subjects. As the teacher repeated the question in their native Korean, Jimin searched fruitlessly for an answer.

Unknowingly to the vampire, the green haired witch was chanting a small spell under his breath, his eyes glowing a deeper orange as he whispered, "Indignus," and watched as Jimin's demeanour changed from unsure into glowing confidence.

"Your dick up his ass?" Jimin answered smoothly.

The class gasped dramatically, a few giggled lowly as both Jimin's and the teacher's eyes widened in shocked surprise.

What the fuck?! Jimin thought.

Yoongi snickered softly, the sound reaching Namjoon's sensitive ears and he glanced over at him. He didn't miss the tell tale orange flame in his friend's eyes, even as he cast them down in an attempt at innocence.

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