Chapter 10. Cherry.

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School was pretty much a bust, no one wanted to mention the elephant in the room, yanno? In the shape of Jungkook and Taehyung? They hadn't said two words to each other since their fight on the Friday evening, and it pretty much coloured everything else.

That said though, they all seemed like they had a mini dilemma of their own to deal with.

Of course...

Taehyung wanted to apologise for physically hurting Jungkook...

But he couldn't.

Taehyung should have apologised for implying the rookie was ugly...

But he wouldn't.

Namjoon worried that Jin would see him as blood sucking, human abusing, man whoring monster...

Thanks to Sehun.

Jin worried that all Namjoon would see was a walking blood bag with a built in ass hole...

Thanks to Sehun.

Yoongi for some reason, was worrying about Jimin worrying about Jungkook...

Thanks to Taehyung.

And Hoshi was worrying about Yugyeom  getting between Tae and his rookie...

Everybody seemed to be worrying over something.

Not conducive to learning.

Or eating apparently...

"So!" A high pitched voice broke the silence that was surrounding their lunch table. "What do we think of Sehun's lover?" The bright, bright ball of sunshine that was Hoseok, sat down, his sparkly eyes swept around his friends.

"Boring," Yugyeom put in and stirred a cup of ramen noodles, he had no intention of eating.

"Boring?" Hoseok asked, his sweet mouth turning downward.

"He didn't exactly set the world alight with his witty repartee, did he?" Yugyeom shrugged his shoulders.

"What's wrong with you people?" Hoseok asked, noticing for the first time, the untouched food and the glum expressions on his friends faces.

"It's Monday," Yoongi offered, his eyes flickered briefly to him. "What do you want from us?" he sighed and Hoseok scowled as he tried to steal a fry from Hoshi's plate and got a stab in the knuckle for his trouble.

"Just because I don't want them, doesn't mean they're up for grabs, you know," Hoshi muttered and then proceeded to push the seemingly offensive fries away from him.

Hoseok gave an apologetic smile as his stomach began to rumble loudly and Hoshi rolled his eyes. "Take them," he said looking at his hungry friend. "Before you deafen us all."

Hoseok laughed happily and rubbed his slim hands together and pulled the tasty fries in front of him and smashed at least six into his eager mouth.

"We know him," Jimin spoke up, looking around their group, his eyes resting on Jungkook, who unconsciously touched the small scar on his cheek.

"Wayyameam?" Hoseok asked, chomping away, earning disgusted looks from some of his peers.

"Kai," Jimin informed them. "We were at the same school."

"Only he was a fucked up bully then." Jungkook's voice was loud, a little aggressive, making Taehyung stare across at him. "Until I fucked him up," he then snorted with a little smile.

"Well," Namjoon asked, resting his elbows on the table. "What happened?"

"It was back in Seocho, we went to the same elementary school," Jimin said, taking a sip from his bottled water. "Kook was 10, I was 11 and Kai was 13, he was in his last year, because-"

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