Chapter 11. Witches Brew.

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Namjoon had been dreading this day, but he also knew it was inevitable.
He was sitting at dinner with his parents, enjoying chefs home made lasagne with lashings of extra cheese, a sweet and crunchy salad and gloriously glorious garlic bread. He was shovelling it away when his father Kim Woobin addressed him.

"Namjoon," he started, wiping his mouth with an elegant white linen napkin.

"Yes?" Namjoon asked, taking a sip from his water glass.

"Why haven't you taken Seokjin as your personal blood source yet?" he asked and Namjoon nearly choked on his water.

"I'm sorry?" Namjoon asked, his mind working over time.

"You know what I'm asking, son. Seokjin is next in line."

"Woobin, honey-" Namjoon's mother, Nancy cut in softly, but her husband pinned her with a look.

"Dad, he's my friend!" he blurted out, his face white, and his heart hammered.

"I know he is, but he's gone untapped-"

"Untapped?" Namjoon interrupted him, disgust in voice and his father gave him a look.

"For want of a better word, yes. Seokjin comes from good stock, his families blood has sustained us for centuries, and it's his turn to fortify you," he said, his eyes not leaving his son's face.

"No," he said, a note of defiance in his voice, his cheeks heating up a little. "I won't do it."


"What?!" he asked, appalled. "You think I could look my friend in the eyes and at the same time ask him to tap a vein for me?" he threw his napkin onto his plate, his appetite disappearing completely.

"You need to do this!" his father suddenly yelled at him, eyes blazing. "You're an elder, you need your own personal feeder!" he emulated his sons movement and tossed his napkin onto his plate. "For fuck sake, Wonwoo-"

"This has nothing to do with that asshole! And I'm not discussing this any more!" Namjoon scraped his chair back noisily and with such force the said chair thudded against the display cabinet on the far wall.

"Namjoon, baby..." His mother tried to calm him, her smile dying on her face when her husband slammed his fist hard on the table.

"Nancy, stay out of this! You know how Wonwoo has eyes everywhere! I don't want him thinking my son is weak, and not fit to be a vampire-"

"I don't care what that sadistic fucker thinks!" Namjoon shouted over his father, his face burning in anger.

"Well, you should care!" his father got to his feet, his dark eyes burning into his son's .
"You're still on his radar for delaying the change! For Christs sake Namjoon, see sense! Do you want Seokjin to be used by any vampire that takes a fancy to him? Put around like some blood whore?!" His father's face flushed an angry red.

"No," Namjoon rejected the advice flatly, calmly, his eyes holding his father's pointedly only for a few seconds before he turned to his mother. "Mom," he acknowledged her with a brief nod, before leaving the room.

"Woobin," Nancy said, softly, and he turned to her. His face held a myriad of emotions. Woobin was normally always a sweetheart, he very rarely lost his temper, and he never, never degraded Seokjin, or his family for that matter, the way he did tonight.
"What's wrong?" she asked and placed a cool, calming hand on his. "Why did you say such awful things?" Her dark, beautiful eyes held a worried look.

"You know Wonwoo keeps an eye on everything, and I mean everything. He knows Namjoon has no personal feeder," he sighed and sat back in his chair.
"To you and I, it's no big deal, but to him, to Wonwoo, it's a sign of rejection. Rejection of how we lead our lives," he took a deep breath as he looked at his wife.
"He'll have Soekjin killed just to prove a point."

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