Picking Jordan up

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March 26th, 2013

Today, I was leaving my father's house. I decided to skip today since I had to get Jordan anyways. Him and I talked about alot of things though. He talked about the kids that he been messing with, and how they enjoy him as a teacher. How he talks about his family alot in class. I just smiled, my father is not as bad as my mom is. He also told me he's been trying to figure out where I lived so I can spend time with him because as he tried to contact my mom, she'd shut him down. So my father asked my Aunt Lyric where we live and she told him, and now I'm here.

I talked to him about Calum, Luke, Jordan, Mikey and Ashton, I told him how everyone loves and cares about eachother. I told him about my classes and my grades. He was very proud of me and he showed me a way I can take notes in Science class, and Social Studies class.

He suggested for me to stay for a week since it was Tuesday, I told him maybe another time when I'm not busy with my school work. He understood and gave me his number for whenever I need him, or when I wanna stay with him for awhile. He knows how my mom is, he knows she's crazy and not really there for me.

I gave him a hug and a kiss goodbye, told my father I loved him and went to Jordan's house. I rang the doorbell and her mother came to the door, opened it, and smiled at me.

"Hello, Hazel!"

"Hello, Mrs. White!"

I hugged her and she let me inside. "Do you mind if I get Jordan's cloths? She's leaving today and I'll drop her off." Mrs. White let me, and I went upstairs, I grabbed her 'I woke up like this' beanie, because I thought it's be funny since she woke up outta a coma. I then got her 'normal people scare me' hoodie, Slip on shoes, her batman bag, Her 'nightmare before christmas,' head phones, skinny jeans since I couldn't find her sweatpants and batman phone case and her phone. As she was in the hospital, her mom took her phone home because she didn't want the nurses taking it. I would have done the same thing if Jordan was my child.

I looked around to see if I missed anything else but I didn't so I said goodbye to Jordan's mom, gave her a hug, and I went to my car and drove to the hospital to give Jordan her cloths.

As I went to Jordan's room number, I gave her, her bag of cloths and everything else. Then sat down. I was then texting Ashton, and Calum that I'm already at the hospital. They both came into the room as Jordan was changing in the bathroom. She finally came out of the bathroom, she grabbed her other things and we leave the hospital that day.

As I dropped everyone off, I went home and really went to study in my college medical book, and did the rest of my homework. I was finished after an hour and began texting everyone: Calum, Ashton, Mikey, Luke and Jordan until I fell asleep for school tomorrow.

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