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On the same day, the guys started to practice. Jordan and I were both sitting down watching them. I noticed Jordan looked frustrated still. I sighed. I then looked at her in concerned. I wanted to know if my bestfriend was ok. 

"You ok?" I say to her while looking at her. 

She nods her head. 

"Jordan, he's an asshole. He treated you like crap and you don't deserve that what so ever."

She then started to smile and looked at me. 

"So, How are you and Calum," She asks me. I started to turn bright red. 

"We're good," I say while biting my lip.

"When are you guys go-." Jordan then was cut off from her phone buzzing. She then gets her phone out and starts texting away. 

Moments later, She stops texting him, and I look over at her in a confused manner. 

She hands me the phone and it's texts from Kendall. 

Kendall: Babe, what are you saying?

Jordan: I'm sorry Kendall, it's over. 

Kendall: Why?


1. It's not the same

2. I see you always looking at other girls 


.... I'm sorry Kendall, we're threw. 

Kendall: I'm sorry baby, please I love you.

Jordan: Do you? Do you really?

"YES!" I say in excitment. Luke, Calum, and Mikey look over and come towards me. Calum then comes behind me and I hand him the phone. He starts reading then he looks up at us and he smiles. The phone was passed around for everyone else to see and it then went back to Jordan. 

"What's going on?" Ashton says coming down the stairs. Jordan hands him the phone and he starts reading the text messages. He then starts to smile, hands Jordan's phone back and they hug. 

"I guess I'm single as a pringle, that's ready to mingle," Jordan says and we all start smiling. 

"We should watch a movie to celebrate!" Luke says in excitement. We all nod our heads and head towards the basement. Jordan then goes upstairs to use the bathroom I believe. I start to go towards the couch and go to the spot where I was laying before. As Calum gets a movie, he then puts it in and waits for Ashton and Jordan. Calum then makes his way over to me and starts to cuddle up with me once again. 

"I'm happy that Jordan's not with Kendall no more." I say while wrapping my arms around him

"I'm happy too, now Ashton and Jordan can be together finally," Calum says while laughing. 

I nod my head and Calum kisses my forehead. 

5 minutes later, Ashton and Jordan come to the basement and go on the other end of the couch, then we all start to watch the movie together. 

Unpredictable: Hazel's GazeWhere stories live. Discover now