It's Love.

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We then pulled up to a beautiful Mansion and it was amazing. Everyone was in awe from the beautiful house. As the limo came to a stop, we all got out and the man that drove us, gave us our bags and we all said thank you and headed inside. I walked inside with Calum and Mikey, and Luke was behind us. Ashton and Jordan were walking with grandma Irwin into the house. Then behind was Ashton's mother and his siblings that were behind her.

As we stepped in the house, it was bigger inside the house than it was outside! I at least went into a 360 3 times, looking up and looking around. Everyone else came behind us, then grandpa Irwin came towards us and introduced us. Of course he knew Jordan.

"Jordan is that you?"Grandpa Irwin said and started laughing.

"Yup, it's me," Jordan said while giggling. She walks up to Grandpa Irwin and hugs him tight, then pulls away.

Grandma Irwin comes up behind Ashton's mom and his siblings, "Ashton, dear do you remember where your room is? And could you show your guests where they would be staying."

Ashton nodded his head and grabbed his luggage. We then grabbed ours and started to follow him up the stairs. As we made it upstairs, all there is, is a LONGGG hallway. Ashton showed where MIkey was going to stay, then Calum's, then mine.

I then started to walk into the room I was staying in and it was huge. I started to smile and walked over to the bed. I placed my luggage onto the bed and I started to unpack. Then as I was done I started to take a picture of the room I was staying in, then posted it on twitter. I then went over to Jordan's room and I got lost easily. I made it though. I started to walk in Jordan's room and as I walked in, I seen Ashton ontop of Jordan and my eyes widen. Jordan gets up quick as ever and turns red. Ashton then gets off the bed and leaves. I then grin at him and walk to Jordan's bed.

"What was that I just saw," I say as I'm grinning as Jordan.

"Nothing," Jordan says while she's still blushing.

"Jordan White, were you making out with Ashton Irwin?" I say with a slight gasp.

"Psh, no." Jordan says while giggling.

"YOU WERE TOO!" I say with a louder gasp and start laughing.

"Shhh, Ok yes we were." Jordan says and starts hiding her face while laughing.

"Wait so are you guys together?" Jordan starts to smile and look away. I WAS SO HAPPY FOR HER, "You are?!? AWWWWEEE!" I say while laughing.

"What about you and Cal?" Jordan says while tilting her head slightly.

I start to blush and bite my lip, she already knows. "WHEN?!?" Jordan says loudly.

"The night of spin the bottle," I start to giggle and bite my lip and no doubt I'm blushing like crazy.

"Awwwwwwww!" Jordan says, I then grab the pillow from the bed and throw it at her so she falls back. We both start laughing like crazy. I then tell her I'll let her unpack and I go and find Calum in his room still packing, I don't disturb him so I just go and wander the halls.

I approach to a big window that is at least 10 feet high. I then start to look out it and I start to notice how beautiful it looks from outside. The view that was looking at was the garden in the backyard. I then notice Jordan on the swing outside I smile slightly and I then continue walking.

I then go downstairs and start looking around where we came from, then as I was getting lost in thoughts, a pair of arms wrap around my waist tight someone snuggle's his head in my neck. Calum. I could smell him and I could tell it was him. I turn around to face him and hug him tight. He of course hugs me tighter. Then we were standing there, holding each other. I swear I didn't want to let him go. Then he finally broke away and kissed me cheek, then goes upstairs. I start to blush slightly and place my hand on my cheek, where he kissed me.

I then leave the room that we came from and started to head into the living room. I then notice that Grandma Irwin comes in with a tray. She places it on the coffee table in front of me and on the tray it had cookies and a pot of tea, she then gives me a pot of tea. She offers me a cup and places a lemon in it and hands it to me with a tea plate.

"Thank you," I smile at grandma Irwin and blow the tea slightly and sipped a little bit. So sweet and so good.

"So, you like that Calum fella don't you?" She says to me as she takes a sip of her tea.

I place my plate with my tea centered in the middle, "yes, I do."

She then smiles at me and sips her tea, "I can tell you're right for each other. I can tell the way you both act around each other and the way you look at ". That's love my dear."

I smiled and sipped my tea and set it back down.

"Ma'm, You might be shocked when I tell you this, but Calum's my first love."

She then stops herself from sipping her tea and she smiles slightly, "Love happens anywhere, anytime. Show him affection and how much he means to you."

I nodded my head and sipped my tea. She then gave me more tips on what I should do about love. Calum is my first boyfriend and I don't ever want to ruin that. That boy is amazing and I love him so much.

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