Barnabas collins x F!Reader

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In this, you take "Victoria winters" spot in the movie.

Please make sure you tell me if its good! Or dont,doesn't matter.



No pov


"SARAH!" Said Barnabas with a horrific tone,looking at her back as they were at the top of the mountain.

Sarah slowly turned,no emotion showing on her face as she looked Barnabas in the eyes before speaking.

"Help me."

With that she fell backwards off the cliff, falling to her death to the ocean rocks.
Barnabas ran to the edge of the cliff, looking down. Tears fell down his face as he saw his beloved sarah sprawled on the rocks, the waves hitting her body and retracting back to the ocean before coming back again.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" he cried out,letting all his emotion out in one cry before going on his knees.

His nails got longer and sharper, his skin became pale as paper, his teeth became sharp and his eyes became more dark.

This was part of the curse for loving another girl than the witch herself.


"My God, a woman doctor! What an age this is.." Barnabas leaned back in his chair at the breakfast table surrounded by his new acquaintances.

The ginger female,known as Dr. Julia Hoffman, looked around the table with an offensive look. "Is he for real?" She says in a sickly tone as she looks at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth nervously chuckles and looks down and away from the many eyes that were staring at her like a meal before taking glances at one another.
"I think he's just a tired from his long trip"

"I see you have grown desperate so only prized family to have replicas"
(I forgot what he said here and I can't understand him. I got no subtitles either sadly)

Roger took a bite of his food as he answered back.
"How did you know? These are exact replicas"

Barnabas looked around and responded "And this fork? Being real silver I would have burst into flames"

Everyone besides Elizabeth looked at him like he was crazy before Elizabeth came up with an excuse for him.
"Uh yes yes, you've mentioned you've had a terrible metallic allergy"

Roger and Dr.Hoffman took a glance at the male once again before going back to eating.

Taking everyone away from the conversation, Elizabeth speaks about the fish.

"Anyway the fishing businesses have all but gone"

"Well I have returned,and i ensure, so are our fortunes"

Roger chuckled. "Good luck,Angie has deals with most of the boats in main".


"Angel bay. Shes taken just about every port on the East coast"

"Then that is where I shall begin, and with your blessing...I shall restore the family business to its former glory."

As they are speaking, a lady comes in. Her beautiful e/c eyes and h/c hair. Her beautiful s/c skin and the way she walks makes her angelic.

"Sarah?" Barnabas slowly stands up,staring at her as if she was a ghost.

"Thats Y/n" says David with a happy smile."She believes in ghosts, like me".

Barnabas slowly walked over to her,still not believing he was seeing his love once again.

Y/n walked over to him as well, her eyes showing registration as well as confusion.

"Hi" she says, her voice silky smooth and soft like butter. She and Barnabas start to shake hands and Barnabas looks her in the eyes.

"Enchanted. Surely you do not let them call you 'y/n/n'...a name like Y/n is so beautiful...I could not bear to part with a single syllable of it."

Y/n softly gulps,making it hardly noticeable.

Roger looks between them before speaking.

"Yeah, might grow from trees where you're from..but it's a little harder to come by here "

Barnabas looked at his hand as he went to go sit back down,thinking of his love and how to help the family out.


Y/ns pov

'He seems so familiar, yet I can't figure it out. Where is he from I wonder? His hand felt warm but cold at the same time. Surely he doesn't know me? But how does he,and how do I vainly remember him? In fact, WHERE do I remember him from?'
I think to myself as I look at my food,feeling eyes burn into my skin.

I look to my right and see Barnabas just staring at me.

I gave him a smile and he blushes, smiling back but failing because his teeth got in the way.

I laugh to myself and finish breakfast, enjoying the small conversations we have amongst everyone.

Maybe we can becomes friends...or more?

What am I thinking!

~time skip~

No pov

As time went by, and odd things happened around the mansion, memories and feelings became to unravel.

Y/n walked past Barnabas room and suddenly got a memory,  falling to her knees as she watched everything go down in her vision.

Flash back

"Sarah, darling,my love, please come here, I would like to discuss something with you!" Barbara yelled as he sat in his living room, if you could call it that. The room was the size of a while house.

Sarah walked in,her Victorian dress flowing behind her and her heels clicking against the floor,making a nice tension happen all around the mansion.  Her hair bouncing with every step.

"Yes my dear?" She says, her voice sweet as honey.

"Sarah...I know it's early but..." Barnabas got up and got on one let infront of her.

"Will you marry my sarah?"

"YES BARNABAS I WILL MARRY YOU!!" Sarah bounced around before yanking him to his feet and holding his face as she started kissing him with all her love.

*Flashback over*

"Sarah..." says y/n in a whisper. Still infront of Barnabas's room. She carefully got back onto her feet,placing herself against his door.

"Sarah looked like me...and that was obviously Barnabas...but...what century was that? And why was I named sarah?...sarah...sarah...sarah... how odd. The more I say it the more it fits me..."

Barnabas slowly opened his door, y/n falling backwards and trying to catch herself,but he caught her.


"Sar- Y/n.."

"You can call me sarah or y/ dear."

Barnabas smiled and leaned down,catching
her in a kiss.

Yeah its been a while since I wrote something lmaoooo, sorry if it's bad owo


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