Neji x Fem!Reader

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Reader pov

I woke up in bed,neji sleeping beside me. I started playing with his ling hair and smiled as he slept.

I rememeber the first time Neji and I got together.. it was an odd day but it meant a lot to me in the end.


"Okay you four, we are going to be doing a teamwork exercise because lately  you all have been lacking" gai-sensei said "Even you y/n" he looker at her and smirked. "Or should I say y/n uch-"

"ALRIGHT YEAH LETS GET THIS OVER WITH." neji glared at everyone and gai got happy. "YES NEJI, THE POWER OF YOUTH IS FINALLY COMING TO YOU" Everyone groaned besides Lee, he was pretty excieted. y/n looked over to her right, tenten was laughing while neji was lightly blushing. 'I wonder what thats all about' she thought to herself whilst preparing for their training session.

Neji was planning on asking you to go on a date....that went horrible.

But in the end yall got together

°•°•°Flashback over°•°•°

I sat up and got out of bed,getting into your ninja outfit.

I got into outfit y/c (your choice)  and looked back over to the bed before leaving

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I got into outfit y/c (your choice)  and looked back over to the bed before leaving.
While I was walking I saw naruto and sakura discussing things. I ran over and jumped on narutos back. "HEY BITCH"

Naruto yelped and laughed. "Hey there y/n. Whats up?"

I giggled before responding. "Nothing much actually.  I just got out of bed so im still tired."

Sakura looked over to naruto then me and raised an eyebrow. "Hey...y/n?"
I looked over to her and nodded my head,waiting for her to finish.

"You kinda remind me of sasuke..."

My face went pale and I got off narutos back,standing upright before nervously laughing. "W-what do you mean?" I struggled to put a smile on my face.

"Well I mean,your hair is raven black,and even though your eyes are shiny they are as black as sasuke. You're even as pale as him." She put a finger to her lips,checking me out and walked in a circle to get a better look at me.

All of a sudden I was grabbed by my waist and brought backward into a hard chest. I look up,since I'm short,and saw neji looking at sakura. "Shes just beautiful, unlike you and your pink hair. Leave her be" he picked me up and walked off with a red sakura. I mouthed a "sorry" to her and she just sighed and nodded her head .

"You know..maybe its time they knew." I sighed and kissed neji on the cheek. He shook his head and gave a frown. "I feel like once they know sakura will be up your ass asking about sasuke. Only me and sasuke know...actually gai sensei knows. I think that's enough till we bring him back."

I sighed sadly. "I sorry for saying that. I just hate keeping a secret like this."

"I understand. What would you like to do?"
He gave me one of his rare smiles that always make me blush.
"T-to go see Lee and gai-sensei.." i nervously giggle and got to my feet.

"You see..THE lee and THE gai...sensei?.." he looked like he just saw a ghost and gave me a grossed out look.

"oh come onnnnnn. You know lee is my best friend. I promise i won't tell him about me being an Uchiha ?" I gave him puppy dog eyes,which resulted in him to roll his eyes. "Fine. Whatever. Let's go" he gave a heavy nod before walking to where we both knew where they would be at. The training grounds.

As we got closer I saw Lee and gai taking a break from doing whatever they were just doing.  I'd call it training if it made sense..and anything those two did made no sense whatsoever.  "Hey guys!" I smiled as we both got close.

"Y/n-chan! I wish to show you something!" Lee says as he grabs my wrist. "Come on come on COME ONNNN" his smile was so big i thought his face was gonna crack. "Alright alright" I giggled and looked at neji.

"I wont say anything that I don't need to. I love you" i gave him a peck on the lips before leaving.

Neji pov

I sighed as she gave me a kiss. "I love you too you damn woman." I looked over to gai and saw that he was smirking and way to close in my personal bubble. I move away from him and gave him an annoyed look. "What"

He just laughed loudly and slapped my back.

"I won't tell anyone..if thats what your so worried about. I'll wait till I CAN say something though. Shes lucky to have a man like you. " wit h that we trained together till sundown.

Y/n came over to me and jumped on my back and yawned.  "Lets go home babe" she nuzzled her head into my neck before falling asleep. I chuckled and started walking.

"Neji!" Lee yelled after me,I looked at him and gave him a glare. "Shush. What is it."

"I just wanted to say goodnight and you're a good guy for her" he smiled and ran off to gai. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Once we got home I tucked her in before laying beside her.

"Goodnight my love. You're my shooting star."

"Goodnight my honey,you're the galaxy so I can be that star."

I'm sorry if that sucked ass crack. I knew i had to put  something. I'm so late! I excuses. But I hope this is alrighty..ish?

Anyway have a nice day/night. And I'll see you in the next chapter. Byeeee. Jsisowjfks

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