☁️S.M.R X subaru sakamaki

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Your ex R/N was found cheating on you on your shared bed with his ex Chelsea. You decide to break up with him and head to your sister, yui's place to calm down.

You would have never guessed you would have met a white haired beauty.

You have been warned.

This is going to be kinda bad I can already tell lol. But ty for reading anyway~
Author loves chu~

And there are probably going to be misspelled words here and there but I'm too lazy so yeah.

Enjoy ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•

Yui pov

"we get it you're bored be quiet " I hear Shu say in a annoyed voice. I blush, and mentally slap myself for saying that out loud.

Riiiiiiiinnn-"-PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE ALREADY WHY IS THERE ALWAYS SOME KIND OF NOISE GOING ON"said Shu once more angry from having his "Beauty sleep" disturbed.

"yeah yeah you good for nothing blond" I mumble, hoping he didn't hear..
"what did you just say?" The blond vampire said, having a dark cloud above his head.
"N-NOTHING... I said.. Yes sir?"
"... "

".... "
"heh... "


"That better have been what you said or I'll drink every last drop of your blood... " The vampire said before laying back down.

I then remember someone was calling me and picked up my phone to see who the missed call was.

I decided to go ahead and call him to see how he would react.
I've never even once missed a call from my nii-san.


Come on pick it up..

Riii- "Yui... "
Oh god, something must have happened... His voice is raspy.

"nii-san w-whats wrong?!" I ask him with concern.
I hear a sob from the other line.
"I'll tell you when I get to your place, I'm almost there anyway. " m/n sniffed.

"A.. Alright but you better tell me right away Mr!"
I could hear him chuckle and sniffle once more before I heard a soft 'ok' and him hanging up.

I look at Shu and poke him. He slapped my hand and looked me dead in the eye.
"Just how many times are you going to wake me up yui! What is it that you want!" His eyes turned red, scaring me a bit

"My older brother is coming over... Could he stay just a bit, he seems... Down?" I could see the blond look at me confused.

"That's fine but.. You... Have an older brot-?"

Diiiinnngg dooooonnggg 😉

I run to the front door and open it in a rush, seeing a soaked handsome 6'7 h/c male with e/c eyes that could bring the beautiful sunset to shame.(I mean come on, the sunset is beautiful ) standing outside in the rain.

"yui... " I hear his raspy and broke voice. I gasped and jumped up, hugging him around his neck as he brings his around my waist, hugging me as tight as he could while bringing him inside. And must I just say, he almost broke me but I didnt say anything to ruin this moment.

"I found... " he mumbled the rest. I looked up to see his hair in his face, preventing me from seeing his eyes.
I took my hands and made his head look down to meet my gaze. Which I will say was hard, considering I'm a short pancake.
"m/n" I said softly, hoping he would calm down just a bit. "You can tell me it's alright, I'm here" He teared up once more and accidentally shouted for the whole mansion to hear.

"R/N CHEATED ON ME WITH THAT SLUT CHELSEA, HE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME... And he said he was gay and totally a bottom"

I tried my hardest not to laugh at the last bit and hid my face in his chest.
"m/n" I chuckled. "Come with me to my room, you're staying with me for the time being." And with that, we we're on our way to the room hand in hand.

Subaru pov

I was walking upstairs when suddenly yui came up around the corner with an older man who was 6'7 with h/c hair, heading to her room and shutting it.

Why does he look sad?
I shook that and slapped myself.
No the real question is why yui has a boy we never met in her room!

I ran to her room and slammed the door open to see a sight that made me gush blood out my nose.
The man's shirt and pants were already off, making his boxers visual. Man he was such an eyesore.. Mmm


"Yui!" I yell, turning to face her, making her flinch and hide behind Mr.hotty.
"why is there a... (Hotty) man in your room! HE EVEN IS HALF NAKED WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUNG LADY!" I screeched. She squeezed the man's hand and looked at him before looking at me.

"This is my older brother M/n... M/n meet Subaru... Subaru meet m/n... "Her shy voice was making me want to suck her blood so bad but I didn't because of how "nicee" I am haha.

"OK... Why is he half naked then?"I say, looking at his delicious sun kissed abs.

"He was soaking wet from outside so I'm getting him some new clothes.. He's going to be staying here with us for a while."

I nod.
Understandable I suppose

"Alright.. Hey m/n right? Call me if you... Need anything.. Anything at all.

He nods and goes into the bathroom, leaving me and yui alone... Together...

God I hate this bitch ugh

"you know yui.. " I start saying, making yui look up at me with wide concerned eyes.
"your brother is really hot" I say, smirking.

She smiles at me... Wait she smiles at me? The fuck?

"So... You like him?" she says still smiling at me.
"... Yeah?"

"He could use someone like you, you're actually very sweet when you want too and he really needs someone to trust. His boyfriend... Ex... Boyfriend was found cheating on him today, that's why he's here actually. Do you think you could make him happy and open up more?"

"I could try I suppose" I say, unsure really but willing to try.
Imma find the guy that cheated on him first and suck his blood till he's just bones and lifeless.

Love at first sight huh?

M/n came out the bathroom, wearing a gray muscle shirt and black skinny jeans.
Mmm those muscles...

"Come on m/n I've gotta get you to meet the others" you said, dragging the poor man out the door.

I look at the man getting smaller and smaller till he went downstairs and I could no longer see him anymore.


Love at first sight.


Ughh I feel like I did a horrible job on this. But like, I had to update! Ieeooekfkw

I'm really sorry for the Subaru fans/lovers out there for making such a horrible... Thing!

Well, till next time,

Buh byeeee~~~

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