☁️Donnie x male reader

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This is requested by SansJeff! I hope you like it love!
It was almost 1 thousand words.

If their is anything you would like me to fix, go ahead and tell me! I won't be mad.

If you are not here for fluff then do not read and or go to another page or book. Thanks guys! Buh bye~♤●♡○◇

3rd pov

"Donnie where's (my super suit!) my purple blanket!...it's cold!" A h/c male called out while looking through the sewers,couch, his own room, donnies,etc.

You see, the other day, m/n and donnie made a bet. Not just any bet. THE bet.
The bet was that if m/n couldn't master how to use Leo's katana's, then donnie got to hide m/n's purple blanket.

M/n's always had that blanket. Even as a kid. Anywhere he went, he would always bring it with him. But where did donnie put it, is the question.

"Donnie I swear to God I will tear off your shell if you dont tell me where you hid my blanket.!" M/n was getting furiously impatient.

M/n pov
"Raph, do you know where donnie hid my blanket? I'm dying here without it"

Raph looked up from doing his pushups. He was equally as hot as donnie...just a tad bit though.
While I was in thought
Raph flicked my forehead, making me squeak .
"Heh, you're not that bad looking yourself, you might need to be careful with that head of yours. You never know where that nerd could be." And raph while walking over to the weight section.
I felt a blush come to my face. How stupid of me, speaking out of my mind like that...he did say I was good looking too though.
I shook my head from any though's that were on it's way.

"S-so you dont know wh-where he is after all?" I turned my head to the side, trying to hide my flushed face, too embarrassed to look him in the face.
He chuckled. "Aww, are you embarrassed "
I just flushed more.

We did this to each other all the time.we had a close bond, I helped him calm his shell while he helps me with other things that need help with like working out with me when donnie was out on patrol with the others.

"Sh-shut up! I'm n-not embarrassed...Answer the question before I cook you!" I slapped his chest, he just chuckled again backing up. "Chill man, last time I saw him he was with mikey, helping him repair his skateboard.maybe check out the sewer tunnels?"he said calmly while ushering me to go through the tunnels.

And I did just that. Looking for a certain orange bandana turtle, hoping donnie was with him.
As I'm walking down the tunnel, I hear a faint but loud "booyakasha". I run to where I heard it and see mikey skateboarding towards my direction.

That means donnie already left if he's using the skateboard.I thought while getting a tad bit sad and mad. Maybe I'll never see my blanket ever again, what if he forgets where he puts it!? MAYBE-"
I was pushed aside while mikey passed by saying "sorry". I look to see who pushed me and see...
Leo ;^;
"Sigh, thanks Leo for saving my ass there, I could've broken a arm or something." I smile at Leo and he smiles back at me, but slaps my arm slightly, not hard enough to bruise, but hard enough for it to turn reddish. "Dont swear young m/n, you know how I feel about that sort of...language, especially if mikey was near by."he gave started to give his lecture about this a d that and a little bit of this, blah blah blah who cares. "And you could have possibly hu-" "-Leo! Shut up aughh, anyway, since I can't get a hold of mikey, I'll just ask you... have you seen donnie? I cant seem to find him anywhere!" I threw my arms in the air, being dramatic.

He sighed and rolled his eyes playfully. " okay okay, he should be in the lab, have you been their yet?"

My eyes widened.
I hadn't thought about going to the lab. Sigh
Stupid me.
"I never thought about going to the lab! Thanks leonerdo!" I started to run back to the place we call home. I could hear Leo yell back "Its leonardo or leo m/n" I just laughed and kept running.

Time skip
I run back inside and run to donnies lab. I busted through the door to be met with an adorable sight anyone would say was cute, and maybe pass out from blood lost if they were that pervy.

Donnie was curled into my purple blanket murmuring how hes a "Donnie burrito " aww how cuuteee.
I run over to him, scaring him and with caused him to try and get out of his home made burrito, but ended up failing and he started pouting.

I giggled and got inside the burrito with him, cuddling into his chest and looked at his face with a smile on my face.
He smiled back at me and hugged me, getting ready to take a nap, since it was late at night and I've been looking for him all day.

" After this I want my blanket back please babe" I said while petting his head.
He nodded his head, understanding every word coming out of my mouth.

"I love you m/n, with all my heart"

"I love you too my turtle burrito"

"Let's hang out tomorrow"

"Indeed we will"

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