Choiji x Reader

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This is is a sad angst one. I dont normally do these but I thought "why not".  I mean,kiba seems like the play boy but then again I could be wrong. He just acts like it lol.

Not based on ninjas




Today's the day! Today's the day I show my fiancé kiba my new puppy! I feel like he's going to like it~

I look beside me and see my puppy sleeping in the passenger seat with him curled up in his blankets I got him.
A blush creeps onto my face as I imagine the look of pure joy flash on my fiancés face and try to take short cuts to get home.

I texted kiba about 10 minutes ago that I got off 3 hours early and that I was coming over to show him something that he'd most likely like.

But he never answered. I just assumed he was busy playing around with akamaru in the backyard.

As I arrive I keep the car running and the AC on so my pup doesn't die. I mean she/hes sleeping and I don't wanna wake her/him.
I get out and head to the door,taking notice that I smell a new scent but shake it off since I was still outside and there's lots of people here.

I giggle to myself as I open the door and stop dead in my tracks as I see a thong on the ground. I raised a brow,thinking it could be mind when I rememeber...

I don't wear thongs.

I softly gasp and cover my mouth as I hear a woman moan upstairs. "Kiba~ HNG YeSSS ohh~ Harder ple- YES YES YES ahh~"

My eyes water as I hear my fiancé next. "Thats right you slut~ be lucky my stupid fiancé isn't here or you'd wouldn't have your pounding for another 4 weeks!" Then I hear a loud slap and another moan come from the female.

I wipe my face of any tears and calmly breathe in then out. I then go into the kitchen,grabbing all my snacks and notice akamaru in the back staring at me with sad eyes. I put my snacks in a bag and let him in,letting him rub his head against me and whimper.

"Its ok akamaru. I was warned about him being a fuck boy so. Yeah. Ill come visit you anytime ok?" I give a sad smile and kiss his snout as he growls towards the stairs as we heard another loud smack.

I roll my eyes and stand up tall turning and walking to the door but stop as I hear a quiet yet audible bark.
"Yes akamaru?"

He scratched the door carefully,trying not to make noise and turns his head to look at me.
"You...wanna come with me till he's done?"

He nods his head and I chuckle softly before opening it and heading to my car with him,letting him hop in the back before going back to the house door and slamming it shut,hoping they would hear that and quickly run to back to my car and drive off as I see kiba run out with only his boxers.

"Seems like I only have one other place to go since THATS whats happening in MY house."

I pull out my phone and sigh as I dial a number.

"Hey y/n! Whats up my potato chip?"

I giggle at the horrible name before responding. "Seems like I won't be getting married choji"

I hear a gasp before a loud munching sound came. "Why? *nomnom*"
I try to hold in my laughter.
"Because...I caught kiba in the middle of cheating on me. Can I come over for a little bit? I have akamaru and my new baby puppy with me"

I hear another munch before hearing "Yeah ofcourse".


"Thank you so much for letting me stay for a while,I can just go back to the house they were just fucking in, ya know?"

"Yeah! *He grabs another chip back and digs in* want me to *nom* call your brother? *nomnom*" he goes to grab his phone.
I gasp loudly and run to him,grabbing his phone and hiding it behind me.

"NO WAY NO WAYYYY" i tried to slow my breathing down and shook my head frantically side to side. "No way choji. Naruto will totally kill him this time ya know?"

Choji thought for a minute before nodding. I pulled out my back of snacks and shook it.

"Wanna binge watch some Golden Girls? I brought snaaaackssss" i shook the bag of snacks infront of his face and he lit uo like a Christmas tree.



By now we were on season 2 episode 6 and I keep snorting at rose. Shes my favorite!

My phone has been vibrating for the past hour and a half and I rolled my eyes.
Some time later into the episode chojis phone went off and he answered it.

"Choiji speaking...yes y/n is you can't see her....she doesn't want to see you....yeah yeah whatever...YOU'RE WHAT?!" He screamed into his phone before hanging up and running to the door,slamming it open.

There stood kiba holding some roses and was sweating while putting his phone back in his pocket.

"H-hey y/n-chan..." his voice was breathless and he was shaking.

"You know...its not nice to go somewhere you're not welcomed at." I glared to the door as I put my puppy on my head,letting him/her continue sleeping. " If you yell and wake this puppy up I will break every bone in your body ya know?"

"Im calling naruto" choji said while walking off and i walked to the door.

"Y/n-chan im sorry I really am! Please come back to me i promise ill let you do whatever you want. Ill even stay off my phone and just be with you and akamaru" he whisper yelled,knowing my threat from before wasn't a joke.

"Kiba.. once a cheater,always one. Since that house belongs to me you have exactly 2 weeks to get all your shit packed and moved. If I come back and some of your stuff is still there I'm going to burn it." I glared at him,my whiskers on my face starting to itch.

"Look,my whiskers are starting to itch which means naruto is close so I suggest you leave now unless you wanna be beaten by naruto again. Are we clear?" I folded my arms and gave him a strict glance.

He sighed and nodded calling akamaru to leave. Akamaru came and licked my hand and went into kibas car with him.

As he left naruto bolted to the door.

"WHERE IS HE?! LEMME AT HIM!" His blue eyes glared at everything trying to find him.

"Its fine naruto. He left. Nothing to worry about ya know?"

He sighed and then groaned. "I came all the way here for nothing?" He pouted but then noticed the puppy on my head and cheered up. "Can i...ya know...borrow this?" He picked it up and kissed its small head, earning a small high pitched bark. "Yes..he/shes ready ate so just make sure he/she gets something to drink when thirsy ok?"

He nodded his head before jogging back to his place. I chuckle lightly before turning and walking back to the couch.

I've realized I had the wrong person the whole time.

I always had someone who was there for me when I was sad. When I was hungry. And always there when I needed somewhere to go.

"Choji I love you" i smile and held his hand.
He blushed and smiled big. "I love you too y/n!"

I giggle and leaned closer to him,his eyes growing wide. "No choji...I" I didnt hear anything for a while minute before I was Lifted and placed on his lap and earned a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you too".

"Now...which episode were we on again?"

"Oh come on choji!"


Sorry if you didn't like it,I was having fun hehehehehe

See you next time ^^

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