Chapter 1: Aubrey

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Bakugan Precious Memories

Chapter 1

It was a cold winter day in Emerald City. Aya was running to his home as fast as he could, ready to take on the challenge Aubrey had given him after school. Aubrey was the strongest in the town and was ranked in the top 40 in the world. Aya opened the door to his house and made a b line toward his room. But he stopped at a note on the fridge.

"Hey Aya! I'm going out for a while. Going with the girlfriends and you know how we can't resist a good shopping spree! It's a ways away so I don't know how long we'll be. Maybe a few days. You can handle that though!

With love, Mom"

Aya clutched his fists. His mom had done this a lot. Too many times to the point where it felt like she loved shopping more than her own son. "Dammit've been doing this ever since Mary..." holding back his tears, he went to his room. Albeit not as fast. In his room, he sat at his desk and wiped the forming tears from his eyes. He opened his drawer and pulled out the case he kept his beloved darkus bakugan in. "Hm...which ones to use today?" He pondered. Aubrey wasn't going to be easily beat so he had to plan. "Hmm, I'll take my Laserman...definitely Siege...ooh! And my Fear Ripper! Now for my gate cards...Triple Battle... Darkus...and mine ghost! That'll go great with Laserman's ability card! Probably should use Dimension 4 and Double Dimension since her Attribute card and Trap cards are deadly. Plus some ability cards for Darkus g power boosts. I think I'm ready to go!" Aya exclaimed. He ran down stairs and made haste toward the park where his challenger was waiting. The "mistress of wind" as she was called, Aubrey.

(At the park)

Aubrey was sitting at the edge of the fountain, waiting for Aya. Her trusty nail bat on her shoulder. She let out a bored sigh. "Where the hell is he?" She complained. Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps caught her attention. "Hey Aubrey!" Aya greeted. "Took ya long enough!". "Sorry, had to assemble my strategy." "Better hope you assembled it well cause I ain't holding anything back!" They both look at each other with cocky grins. They both instantly pulled out their field cards and held it up in front of them. "BAKUGAN FIELD OPEN!" they shouted in unison. Time slowed to a halt as the terrain around them formed. The colors and clouds warping. They had both entered the field. "Gate card set!" They shouted as they each pulled out a gate card from their deck and threw it to the field. "Get ready Aya, cause I'm coming for you!" Aubrey yelled as she grabbed her first bakugan. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! VENTUS FALCONER STAND!" The avionic beast rose and screeched. Turning on his bakupod, Aya scanned the beast in front of him. The pod chimed: Opponent Ventus Falconer. Power level 380G. No other data available.

(In Aya's mind)

"OK, I know I can take out her falconer through traditional battle. And maybe her Limulus. But I can't take out her Monarus. I'll use my mine ghost to take out the limulus and monarus. Question is, what bakugan should I use. I need laserman to use mine ghost effectively and I'd like to save siege for any battles. That leaves Fear ripper. That should do.


"Let's do this! BAKUGAN BRAWL! DARKUS FEAR RIPPER STAND!" The clawed monster jumped and landed straight in front of the avion bakugan. Aubrey's pod chimed in "Darkus Fear ripper. Power level: 430G". Aubrey extended her hand " Gate Card open!". The gate card for ventus opened and Falconer embraced the power. "Falconer increase by 150G". Aubrey laughed. " looks like I'm getting my first win". Aya chuckles. "Ability Card activate! Dimension 4!". The ability negated the attribute card. Aubrey gasped in shock as her gate card was nullified and Falconer's g power returned to normal. " Now, take him out fear ripper!" Aya commanded. Fear ripper roared and slashed the Falconer. The bakugan returned to Aubrey's feet. Fear ripper returned to ball form and Aya caught it. "Oh yeah!" Aya exclaimed. Aubrey picked up her fallen bakugan and packed it. "Not bad! But this is just the beginning!" Aubrey remarked and readied her next gate card. "GATE CARD SET!". Aubrey pulled out her next bakugan. " BAKUGAN BRAWL! VENTUS LIMULUS STAND!". The bakugan's true form had revealed itself. Aya's chance had come. He pulled out his trap card. "GATE CARD SET!". He aimed for his previously set gate card. " BAKUGAN BRAWL! DARKUS SIEGE STAND!" The knight bakugan rose onto the card, ready for battle. "Tch! Fine, I'll play on your home advantage!" Aubrey took aim for the gate card Aya had set. Mine Ghost. Falling right into his trap. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! VENTUS MONARUS STAND!". The elegant partner of Aubrey had arrived...exactly how Aya had planned. Aya smirked to Aubrey's confusion. Aya readied the bakugan that would lead him to victory. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! DARKUS LASERMAN STAND!" The robotic weapon landed right in front of Limulus. "Heh! You wanna battle let's-" Aubrey was cut off by a shout from Aya. "ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! TRACTOR BEAM!"

Tractor beam: An ability card that let's a laserman move any bakugan to any gate card

Laserman had taken a hold of limulus and places it right where monarus was. "The hell are you doing?" Aubrey questioned. Aya confidently yelled "GATE CARD OPEN! MINE GHOST!" The glowing gate card reveals itself, ready to blow up both of Aubrey's remaining bakugit. This was it. He'd finally beaten Aubrey. He was one step closer to being stronger. And once he got even stronger, he would be able to beat the masked man...or so he thought. "Nice move, Aya. But not good enough!" Aubrey stated. "Double ability card, activate! Ventus Swap + Monarus Control!"

Monarus control: an ability card that allows monarus to switch places with a bakugan on the field.

Ventus Swap: An ability card that swaps places with a ventus bakugan with an opponent's

In a flash, Monarus and Limulus were swapped with Aya's Siege and Laserman. The gate card had activated, destroying not Aubrey's bakugan, but Aya's. "NO!" Aya shouted. Siege and Laserman had returned to his feet. Monarus and Limulus had flown back to their ball form. Aubrey catching them. "Sorry, but looks like your plan backfired!". Aubrey mocked. Aya reached for his remaining bakugan, his Fear Ripper. He threw it at his other gate card. " FEAR RIPPER STAND!". Aubrey took out her trusty Monarus and threw it in retaliation onto the card where Fear Ripper stood. "GATE CARD OPEN! TRIPLE BATTLE!" Aubrey's Limulus was forcefully pulled to the gate card. "Huh? What're you doing?". Aya, in desperation, pulled an ability card. "Ability card, activate! Darkus blow!"

Darkus blow: an ability card that if a darkus bakugan is in play, it destroys all bakugan on that gate card.

It might be a tie, but Aya would be happy with at least that. "Ability card, activate! Ventus shield!

Ventus shield: an ability card that prevents a ventus bakugan from being destroyed by a gate/ability card.

Monarus was protected. And Aya had run out of usable bakugan...he had lost...once again. The field had dissipated. Aubrey snickered. " C'mon dude! You should've known I had cards to protect my bakugan and turn tables like that, moron!" Her jabs were stopped when she saw him on his hands and knees...tears streaming down his face. He normally doesn't cry when he loses. But today...his mom had left him again, and he thought he would be stronger and one more step to being strong enough to beat the masked man...but no...not this time and possibly never. All of this was pressuring his mind. Aya couldn't help but have his emotions get the better of him there. In front of Aubrey of all people. He felt ashamed which in turn, made him more upset. Aubrey started to have a sour taste in her mouth. She was cold, tough and some might say a bit mean, but she wasn't heartless. She had a fair idea of why he was crying. Not the full story, but a bit. She knelt down to him. "But hey! You knocked out 2 of my bakugan and made me sweat a bit! You're getting there, really." She said, wiping his tears with her thumb. "Your mom leave again?" She inquired. "Y-yeah." Aya spoke through his tears. "Figures." Aya had stood up. "Hey, I'll ask my mom if we can have you over for dinner! I'll call you if she says yes. See ya Aya!" Aubrey waved and ran off. Aya picked up his bakugan and walked away, still holding back a few tears. While he was walking, he only had one thing on his mind... Strength. He needed more power. Power to take on the masked man. The masked man that challenged unsuspecting brawlers. The masked man that sent bakugan to a horrible place known as the "Doom Dimension". The masked man that drove Aya's sister, the only family member he cherished and suicide.

End of chapter 1

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