Chapter 24: Earthquake

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"Subterra." Dusk said. "So it's you and me...Samuel right?" Jamie asked. "That's correct! Samuel is my name!" Samuel said. "I'm Jamie. Let it be a name you remember." Jamie said pulling out his field card. "Well if Masquerade sees you as a threat, I'm sure I will." Samuel replied, pulling out his. "Kick em to the curb Jamie!" Wokko shouted. "I intend to!" Jamie smiled. "FIELD OPEN!" They yelled. As the field opened, Gaianoid spoke. "This won't be our final battle. We will win." Gaianoid said. "Yes. But just in case it is, thank you for everything Gaianoid." Jamie said. "Of course. But it won't be. Let's battle!" Gaianoid closed. "Right." Jamie nodded. "Whenever you're ready, chap!" Samuel smiled. "He seems like a decent guy. If only he didn't side with Masquerade. I have to wonder...why do people side with him? Power? Money? Or..." Jamie thought. "Ok I know I said whenever you're ready and time IS stopped in the field, but I would appreciate if you could speed it up!" Samuel called. "Uh...Alright I'm ready!" Jamie shouted back. "Jolly good!" Samuel said. "GATE CARD SET!" Both brawlers shouted. "May I go first?" Samuel asked. "Um, why not?" Jamie said. "Why thank you! BAKUGAN- Whoops! Almost forgot something something! One moment please!" Samuel said reaching into his pocket. "What the..." Jamie mumbled. The dude was an absolute clutz. "Ah there we go! DOOM CARD SET! Ok, now I'm ready! BAKUGAN BRAWL! RATTLEOID STAND!" Samuel shouted, throwing Rattleoid at his own card. "Your move!" Samuel called. "Alright! BAKUGAN BRAWL! CENTEPOID STAND!" Jamie yelled, throwing Centepoid on his card. "I apologize. But for my act I need a volunteer! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! ATTRACTOR!" Samuel commanded. Centepoid was dragged to the card where Rattleoid was.

"Rattleoid Power Level 420g. Centepoid Power Level 440g.

"Wait, Act?" Jamie questioned. "Oh, my apologies! You see, I'm a former magician! Guess I'm used to the lingo for it! Anyway, GATE CARD OPEN! ATTRIBUTE! AND ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! POISON FANG!"

Poison Fang: Ability Card for Rattleoid. Your opponent's Bakugan will lose 50g constantly for the rest of the game. This effect lasts outside of battle.

"Now, Rattleoid! Give our friend a ticket to the Doom Dimension!" Samuel commanded. Rattleoid bit down on Centepoid. The Doom Portal opened up and drew Centepoid in. Samuel caught Rattleoid. "Hey what gives? You didn't even try!" Samuel asked. "As much as it pains me, Rattleoid's poison would've taken Centepoid out regardless. I can't waste any abilities on a Bakugan that is doomed from the start. I can't save it...BUT I WILL AVENGE IT. BAKUGAN BRAWL! GARGANOID STAND!" Jamie shouted. "I suppose he has a point. Oh well! BAKUGAN BRAWL! RATTLEOID STAND!" Samuel said. "GATE CARD OPEN! TRIPLE BATTLE!" Jamie growled. "Oh crap!" Samuel said. "GAIANOID YOU'RE UP!" Jamie shouted, tossing Gaianoid up in the air. "LET'S DO THIS JAMIE!" Gaianoid shouted. Jamie jumped up and grabbed Gaianoid, spinning around and throwing her. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! GAIANOID STAND!" Jamie shouted. Samuel whistled at the impressive throw. Gaianoid rose up on the card, letting out a mighty yell. "Woah!" Samuel shouted.

"Garganoid and Gaianoid combined Power Level 920g. Rattleoid Power Level 420g."

Garganoid grabbed Rattleoid and flew up and dropped it. Gaianoid swung her sword and smashed Rattleoid, defeating it. "Well then! I certainly lost that one!" Samuel said. "There's no way this guy's personality it real. He has to be doing this to throw me off." Jamie thought to himself. "GATE CARD SET! BAKUGAN BRAWL! MANION STAND!" Samuel shouted. "Alright. BAKUGAN BRAWL! GARGANOID STAND!" Jamie shouted.

"Manion Power Level 400g. Garganoid Power Level 400g."

"GATE CARD OPEN! ATTRIBUTE!" Samuel commanded. Jamie was cautious. "Now you might be thinking that since we're both Subterra, how would that help me since it helps you too? Well, long story short, ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"

There Can Only Be One: If your opponent has the same attribute as your Bakugan, you may change your Opponent's attribute.

"And I choose Aquos!" Samuel exclaimed. Jamie watched as his Subterra Garganoid turned the Dark and Light blue of an Aquos Garganoid. "Now you might now be wondering why I chose Aquos. It's simple. So I can ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! CORRELATION BETWEEN SUBTERRA AND AQUOS!" Samuel shouted.

"Manion Power Level 650g. Garganoid Power Level 300g."

"SHIT!" Jamie shouted in frustration. He could do nothing but watch as Manion clawed Garganoid to oblivion. Manion was swallowed by the Doom Portal. "Now that-" Samuel started. "ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! TAKING YOU WITH ME!"

Taking You With Me: When you lose a battle, the Bakugan your Opponent used in that battle is defeated as well.

Manion was out of the game. "Hey now!" Samuel said. "ENOUGH! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR CONDESCENDING DITZY ACT! GATE CAAAARRD! SEEETTT!" Jamie roared in fury. "Act? What is he talking about? I wish my dumb and ditzy self was an act. Maybe then I wouldn't Focus Samuel. He's got one Bakugan left. It's a powerful one, but you can do this." Samuel thought. "Jamie calm down! You're letting him get to you! You need to focus!" Gaianoid shouted. "Ah!'re right. I apologize Gaianoid. I lost myself there, but you, like always, helped me. Thank you. Now let's finish this! BAKUGAN BRAWL! GAIANOID STAND!" Jamie shouted. Samuel took a deep breath, looking at his final Bakugan. His partner. "Alright. Jamie! You've been a great audience! I've had fun battling you! But here's where the show comes to an end! FOR OUR FINAL GUEST I PRESENT TO YOU, SUBTERRA LUPINOID! BAKUGAN BRAWL! LUPINOID STAND!" Samuel shouted. What appeared was a wolf like Bakugan. Its lower jaw had a rock casing with a small mountain on its back. Its back legs, like the lower jaw, also had rock casing. It's piercing eyes glared at Gaianoid.

"I am Subterra Lupinoid! And it's curtains for you, Gaianoid! You may be large, but the bigger they are, the louder they pop!" Lupinoid roared

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"I am Subterra Lupinoid! And it's curtains for you, Gaianoid! You may be large, but the bigger they are, the louder they pop!" Lupinoid roared.

"Gaianoid Power Level 520g. Lupinoid Power Level 510g."

"I WON'T ALLOW IT! GATE CARD OPEN! CHARACTER!" Jamie commanded. Gaianoid glowed as her G-Power doubled. "YOU'RE MINE!" Gaianoid shouted. "Samuel now!" Lupinoid called. "ON IT! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! FULL MOON HOWL!" Samuel shouted.

Full Moon Howl: Ability Card for Lupinoid. Gains 200g and swaps out current Gate Card for one in your unused stack.

Gaianoid's character card was swapped with Lupinoid's. "Sorry Jamie. But victory is mine." Samuel said. "Oh? Maybe I should remind you, how many Ability Cards have I used this battle?" Jamie asked. "Huh? Only one I believe-" Samuel gasped. Jamie still had plenty of Ability Cards left. "AND I'VE GOT 3 RIGHT HERE WITH YOUR NAME ON THEM! TRIPLE ABILITY ACTIVATE! MAGNITUDE X PLUS FURY OF EARTH PLUS EARTH BOOST!

Magnitude X: Ability Card for Gaianoid. Increases g-power by 250g.

Fury of Earth: Ability Card for Gaianoid. Increases g-power by 150 and nullifies Gate Card.

"Oh? OH! WAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Samuel screamed as Jamie unleashed a barrage of Abilities.

"Lupinoid Power Level 510g. Gaianoid Power Level 1,060g."

"It seems the curtains close on me instead. Well done." Lupinoid said. Gaianoid struck Lupinoid with extreme power. Samuel picked up Lupinoid. "Well done, Jamie." Samueld bowed. The field closed. "Victory goes to Sir Jamie!" Samuel announced. "Ok battle's over you can drop the act." Jamie said. "Huh?" Samuel asked. "That whole act. You were using it to throw me off!" Jamie shouted. "Wait, you mean that whole ditzy magician thing? That's not an act. That's just how Samuel is." Dusk explained. "Oh." Jamie said, fixing his glasses. "I'm a magician not an actor." Samuel said. "Nice job Jamie." Aubrey said. "Thank you, it wasn't an easy victory." Jamie said. "Very well. Next." Dusk once again rolled the dice. "...Hold on, landed on an Attribute that already battled." Dusk said. A couple of re rolls later....It landed on Aquos.

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