"Aquos is the next." Dusk announced. "I'm going to fucking curb stomp your ass." Sally growled. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Let's find out, shall we Sally?" Aurora said, seemingly unphased. "You got this Sal!" Aubrey shouted. "Thanks Aub! I won't let you down!" Sally beamed. Sally notcied Tasha looking at her. "Don't act like you care now." Sally hissed. Tasha looked back down. "FIELD OPEN!" The two shouted. "Sally." Abyssion opened. "Oh no! Don't give me the sappy talk! We're getting out of this! You and me bud!" Sally smiled. "Right!" Abyssion shouted before closing. "DOOM CARD SET!" Aurora shouted. "GATE CARD SET!" Both brawlers shouted. "Be sure not to make any foolish decisions, dear Sally." Aurora said in mock concern. "OH EAT MY ASS! BAKUGAN BRAWL! FEAR RIPPER STAND!" Sally shouted, throwing Fear Ripper onto her card. "Hm. Interesting." Aurora mumbled, looking at Fear Ripper. She then took out her first Bakugan. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! LASERMAN STAND! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE, TRACTOR BEAM!" Aurora commanded. Beams fired from Laserman's cannons, moving Fear Ripper to its card.
"Laserman Power Level 420g. Fear Ripper Power Level 450g."
"GATE CARD OPEN! ATTRIBUTE!" Aurora shouted. "Still higher dumbass!" Sally shouted. "Not for long you are not. DOUBLE ABILITY ACTIVATE! RAIN OF SHADOWS PLUS WATER REFRAIN!"
Rain of Shadows: Ability Card for Darkus/Aquos. Your opponent doesn't get g-power bonuses from Gate Cards this battle.
"SHIT!" Sally cussed. Laserman fired several shots at Fear Ripper. Within moments, Fear Ripper was defeated and swallowed by the Doom Portal. Sally stared at where the portal was. Fear Ripper was her partner before Abyssion. "Sally! Are...are you ok?" Abyssion said with concern. "I warned you not to make any unwise decisions." Aurora taunted. This was met with roaring, crazed laughter from Sally. "YOU'RE DEAD FUCKING MEAT!" Sally shouted with a crazed smile that almost went ear-to-ear. Aurora looked on in confusion. Who would smile like that at something like this? "GATE CARD SET! BAKUGAN BRAWL! MANTRIS STAND!" Sally shouted, throwing Mantris onto the card Sally set at the start of the game. "Very well then. BAKUGAN BRAWL! LASERMAN STAND!" Aurora shouted. "OOOH NO YOU GET YOUR BITCH ASS OVER HERE! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! MARIONETTE!" Sally shouted. Bolts of energy fired from Mantris's blades, pulling Laserman toward her card. "You're mentally ill." Aurora said. "Huh?" Sally asked. "I have a history of being able to read people like a dollar store comic book. To the point where there were rumors that I could read minds. Obviously I can't, but you get my point. However, I can't read you about anything because of how...spastic you are. So my only conclusion is that you're not mentally healthy-" Aurora said. "Alright shut the hell up and battle. GATE CARD OPEN! TRIPLE BATTLE!" Sally commanded. Sally grabbed Abyssion with a large grin. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! ABYSSION!" Sally shouted. Abyssion roared as it rose.
"Abyssion and Mantris combined Power Level 960g. Laserman Power Level 420g.
Rapid Water: Ability Card for Aquos. You may play another Bakugan in this battle.
"Abyssion and Mantris combined Power Level 960g. Laserman and Falconeer combined Power Level 850g."
"ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! WATER BOOST!" Aurora commanded. "Sorry but you're gonna have to do better than that! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! ABYSS PREDATOR!" Abyssion roared at the surge of power before zipping around before diving into the floor. Only for him to jump up and pull both of Aurora's bakugan under, defeating both of them with a single bite. "Woah...amazing..." Aurora whispered. Abyssion and Mantris returned to Sally, who caught them in her teeth, laughing maniacally. "Interesting...very well. Mobulas? Please get these pests out of here." Aurora said. "Yes my lady." An aquos Bakugan said from her clip. "Hm! GATE CARD SET! BAKUGAN BRAWL! AQUOS MOBULAS STAND!" Aurora commanded. What arose was a large stingray creature with wings with points on it. It's jaw, however, more resembled a shark.
"Woaaah..." Sally said. "Now then, ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! AQUOS FORCE!" Aurora commanded, dragging Mantris out into the battle.
"Mobulas Power Level 540g. Mantris Power Level 430g."
"GATE CARD OPEN! CHARACTER!" Aurora shouted. The card opened, doubling Mobulas's G-Power. "ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! STUN STING!"
Stun Sting - Ability Card for Mobulas. Your opponent cannot play Ability Cards this battle
"FUCK! NOT AGAIN!" Sally cussed as Mobulas's stinger pierced through Mantris, sending it to the Doom Dimension. "SALLY!" Abyssion called. Sally didn't even respond. No sadistic smile. No frown. Just blank. "Sally?" Abyssion said again, worried for his partner. "...Abyssion?" Sally said quietly. "Yes?" Abyssion replied. "Leave nothing left. Not even a single scrap." Sally growled. Pure fury was leaking from her voice. "I won't leave a trace of Mobulas." Abyssion growled with the same fury. Sally gripped Abyssion. "GATE CARD SET! BAKUGAN BRAWL! KILL EM ABYSSION!" Sally shouted. "BAKUGAN BRAWL! MOBULAS STAND!" Aurora shouted.
"Abyssion Power Level 530g. Mobulas Power Level 540g.
"I'M ENDING YOUR ASS! GATE CARD OPEN! CHARACTER!" Sally commanded. "Sorry but I won't allow it! ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! GATE STING!" Aurora yelled.
Gate Sting: Ability Card for Mobulas. Negate your opponent's Gate Card.
"You fought well. But it ends here." Aurora said. Sally paused. "Guess I have to use my secret weapon. But don't blame me for what happens to your Bakugan. You brought this on yourself. ABILITY CARD ACTIVATE! DRAGGED AND THRASHED IN THE ABYSS!" Sally roared.
Dragged and Thrashed In the Abyss: Ability Card for Abyssion. Decrease your Opponent's Bakugan by 100g for every Aquos Bakugan that was used in battle, not counting Abyssion.
Abyssion let out a ferocious roar before biting down on Mobulas, dragging it down to the depths below. The sounds emanating from ground were gut wrenching. The sounds of biting, grinding, and the pained cries of Mobulas. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BAKUGAN!?" Aurora cried. "SHUT IT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT ANYTHING LIKE THAT YOU DOOM CARD USING FUCKWAD!" Sally shouted. A large splash roared in as Abyssion rose, throwing Mobulas into the air. Mobulas was badly beaten, bite marks and cuts all over it. Mobulas returned to Ball form, falling at Aurora's feet. Abyssion let out one final roar before returning to Sally. The field closed. "Well!? What happened!? Did ya win!?" Wokko asked. "Take a look at her and you tell me." Sally said with a cold voice. They looked at Aurora who was cradling Mobulas. His ball form had small pieces falling off. "M-Mobulas?" Aurora asked. Mobulas coughed before opening up. "I-I'm fine. It will heal." Mobulas weakly said. "Be grateful I didn't do worse, jackass." Abyssion growled. Aurora shivered at this. "Very well then. Since there's only two left, no point in doing a die roll." Dusk said with the same blank voice. Dusk put the die back into her pocket before pulling out something else. A coin. "We'll decide with a coin toss. If heads, Haos goes next. If Tails, Darkus goes next." Dusk explained. The sound of the metal coin ringed through the room before the loud smack of Dusk putting the coin on the back of her hand. The Kara breathed and waited.
Bakugan: Precious Memories
ActionThis is a fan series of Bakugan! All rights of bakugan go to the creators. Thank you for reading!